15 - It's Yes From My Side

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Goenka Mansion:

At night Anusuya and Rajveer is talking with each other .

Rajveer - Anu did you talk with Laksh ? its been more than 7 days .we need to inform Agrawal family about his decision

Anusuya - ji I have not spoken yet I am little scared , what if Laksh said no for this alliance ? Poorvi is a nice girl she's perfect for our Laksh and this Family.  Poorvi will get easily dissolved in our joint family the same way sugar dissolved in the milk. When I first time saw her I instantly liked her for our Laksh.

Rajveer - I can understand your emotions Anu but this is Laksh life and last decision will be his only.

Anusuya - I know ji .

Like that both are going on talking unknown to that Laksh who came to give a file to Rajveer heard everything. After listening their talks he went to his room without giving file to Rajveer and sat on his bed and start thinking about her mother words that how much she likes Poorvi and wanted to make her daughter-in-law of this house and thinking about all those things he went to sleep.

Next day at morning Rajveer is getting ready for office and Anusuya is giving him all his necessary accessories like watch, wallet, hanky. They heard a knock at the door and Anusuya open the door and Laksh came inside .

Laksh - Papa here is the file I had completed it.

 He handover  file to Rajveer and stand there and started rubbing his forehead with the backside of his thumb . Rajveer while going through the file saw his action and got to know that he wanted to say something.

Rajveer -  Laksh Do you want to say something ?

Laksh - ya papa actually I want to say something to both of you . maa , papa I'm ready for this marriage.

Listening her words both Anusuya and Rajveer got happy.

Anusuya happily went near him and ask again to confirm his word's "are you really ready for this alliance?"

Laksh - yes Maa, it's yes from my side.

At Agrawal House :

Ambika is so much worried as it had been more than 7 days and no call has come yet from Goenka family side.

Devdatt - I have been watching for a long time, you are very upset what happened?

"ji no phone calls have yet came from the side of Goenka family. I'm afraid that Somewhere if Laksh might have denied for this alliance" Ambika said with a worried face.

Devdatt - Did you talk with Poorvi? Did you ask her decision?

Ambika - Ji What's there to ask Poorvi ? her decision will be the same as ours.

Devdatt got little angry listening her words .

Devdatt says in little angry voice "here you are waiting for Laksh decision and you didn't even talked with Poorvi. When Goenka family first time came to our house to meet Poorvi you didn't even told her before the proposed of their arrival and not even you informed Saanjh that people are coming to see her di. Listen Ambika if Laksh also said yes for this alliance , even then without Poorvi's will this marriage will not took place. Now go and talk with Poorvi and asked her decision without pressuring your wish over her". he said this last sentence sternly .

Ambika sense angered in her husband words and simply nodded her head and says "ji now I'm going to talk to her " and went towards Saanjh and Poorvi room.

In Saanjh and Poorvi room both the sisters are engrossed in their own works Saanjh in her study and Poorvi is cleaning cupboard. when Ambika entered inside and asked Saanjh to go outside as she wanted to talk to her sister alone. After Saanjh went outside of the room Ambika asked Poorvi to sit on bed and she too sit beside her and without beating around the bush she directly asked her.

Ambika - Poorvi did you like Laksh?

Poorvi got shocked with the sudden question and she felt nervous plus shy not knowing what to answer. Yes she instantly liked Laksh when she first saw his pic and after meeting him she fell in love with him but she's feeling really shy to say this to her Dadi Maa. Ambika again asked her

Ambika - Poorvi tell me the truth do you have any objection with this alliance? You did not like Laksh? If there is such a thing, you can tell me without hesitation.

Poorvi with shy and nervously say's  "Dadimaa I don't have any objection with this alliance . I liked whole Goenka family and Laksh ji is also really nice person". she said about Laksh while lowering her eyes.

After listening her words there is no bounds of happiness in Ambika face she immediately hug Poorvi and kissed her forehead and went outside to give this happy news to Sankalp and Devdatt.

In hall everyone is so happy that Poorvi said yes for this proposal Saanjh twirled her di happily in the hall and hugged her tightly. At that time only their land-line phone ranged and Ambika picked the call. The call was from Anusuya .

In the call:

Anusuya -Namaste kaki sa

Ambika - ji namaste Anusuya ji

Anusuya then happily further say's "Kaki sa I called you to informed that Laksh said yes for this marriage. Did you talk with Poorvi? What is her decision?"

Ambika got so much happy that Laksh is also said yes for this alliance.

Ambika happily say's "Poorvi also said yes Anusuya ji Now, just by seeing an auspicious date as soon as possible we should fix their engagement date".

"ok kaki sa I just talk to priest and get the engagement date out and informed you all" Anusuya replied happily.

Ambika said "OK " and after that both hang up the call and Ambika told everyone about Laksh decision and about engagement and everyone got  happy Saanjh once again hugged Poorvi with a big smiley face.

After asking auspicious date from priest they fixed engagement after 3 days and Anusuya informed about the engagement date to Agrawal family and both the family are very happy except one person that is Laksh who's still thinking about that girl he said yes for his mom and dad happiness, he also stopped searching for her after saying yes to his family but still he can't get over from that beautiful girl who accidentally came infront of his car on that day. unknown to the truth that the girl is none other than the younger sister of his would be fiance.

PRECAP - Let's make our Shona (Saanjh) get married to Laksh jiju elder brother.

!! That's all for today!!

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