18 - Poorvi's Confession

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At Night In Goenka Mansion:
Laksh is sitting in the balcony with moist eyes his heart was paining like someone is stabbing him from knife. He don't know what to do he's engage now with one whom he don't love and the one he love he can't get her . He got engaged with Poorvi because he can't back off at the last moment after seeing Saanjh If he had deny to get engaged at that time then both families were forced to face the humiliation so he unwilling got engaged with Poorvi and Within few hours his entire life changed he lost his first love while thinking of all those things one drop tear rolled down from his left eye.

At Agrawal House:
Both Saanjh and Poorvi are sitting in the Swing and looking at the Sky which is filled with stars .

"Di look those two stars are Soumya Maa and Maa" Saanjh said while pointing her finger towards the two stars which are twinkling more brightly than other stars in the sky.
Poorvi look towards the stars and smiled and said "Haan Shona our both the mother's are watching us from the sky"

Saanjh - di you have seen Soumya maa and maa in real na ? How did they look in real? in the picture, they both look very beautiful.
Poorvi - Maa and Jhanvi maa looks beautiful in a picture but as in real they are even more beautiful .
Saanjh - di tell me more about Soumya maa and maa, I have never seen them and nor I will be able to see them.

Saanjh got emotional while saying this and her eyes got watery
Poorvi look towards her sister with moist eyes but composed herself and wipe Saanjh tear before it falls from her eyes and says " I was just one year old when maa died. I don't even clearly remember her face. After maa death Janvi maa took care of me and gave me a motherly love and affection". She look towards Saanjh and says "our both mothers love us very much and they will not liked at all if they saw a single tears in their Shona eye's". Saying this she again wiped Saanjh tears from her cheeks and take her in her embrace and started caressing her head.
Saanjh while being in Poorvi arms asked "di are you really happy with this engagement?."
" Haan Shona I'm happy with this engagement" Poorvi said still Caressing her head "But Why did you asked this question?" She further asked in little confusion
Saanjh come out from her embrace and took her hand in her hands and asked "di do you love Laksh ji? Please don't hide anything from me we are not only sisters we are best friends we both never hides anything from each other. so truthfully tell me di what you feel for Laksh ji?"
Poorvi got astonished from her questions but felt little shy to tell her little sister about her feelings for Laksh. Saanjh got to know that she's feeling shy so she assured her by saying
Saanjh - di please di don't hide anything from me. I want to know your exact feeling for Laksh ji. I know in our family girls are not allow to meet or talk with their would be husband before marriage. then also Dada ji and Papa made you both talk. But di that also for few minutes and it is not necessary by talking for just a few minutes, you would have been able to understand each other completely? For me your happiness matter most and nothing else. So tell me truthfully are you doing this marriage only to make happy Papa, Dadimaa and Dadaji or do you genuinely like Laksh ji at your first meet?
Poorvi smiled seeing the level of maturity of her 18 year old sister and think to disclose her real feeling for Laksh to her sister and says
Poorvi hesitantly say's "Shona actually woh I mean"  

Saanjh - yaa di say it

Poorvi tightly closed her eyes and said "Actually Shona I love Laksh ji"
Saanjh got very happy after listening Poorvi Love confession for Laksh.
Poorvi - Shona when I first saw Laksh ji, then and then only I fell in love with him at first sight and when I met him when, I got the chance to know about him, his nature my love has become more deeper for him, now it seems like that I don't have identity without him in my life. Shona I'm deeply in love with Laksh ji, I can't even think about my life without him, I already accepted him as my husband in my heart, I love him Shona I really really love him

Poorvi said while beaming in happiness
Saanjh never saw her that much happy before, she immediately hugged her sister and happily say's ''I'm so so so much happy for you, my di is in love" .
Sankalp listened everything standing at the door of terrace When Poorvi is confessing her love for Laksh in front of Saanjh. He felt immense happiness and satisfaction in his heart when he saw his daughter happiness that how much she's happy to start her new life with her would be husband and cheery on the top she already fallen in love with Laksh which is actually a good sign for her daughter new life . with immense happiness, pleasure and satisfaction in his heart he went from there .
Poorvi broke the hug and said "Shona its quite late now let's go you need to sleep tomorrow you have college to attend".
Saanjh - ok di let's go.
Both Saanjh and Poorvi came down from the terrace and going towards their room when both saw that hall light is on and Sankalp is sitting in the sofa. Saanjh and Poorvi get panick seeing Sankalp still awake because its quite late they move towards him and Saanjh was the first one to asked Sankalp.

Saanjh worriedly ask "Papa you still awake what happened papa are you not feeling well? Should I called the doctor?" Saanjh asked with worried and concern face.
But Sankalp didn't replied her not even looked at her . Like Saanjh doesn't exist for him.

Not getting any reply from Sankalp this time Poorvi ask in worried voice "Papa why are you not saying anything ? Papa are you ok?"
This time Sankalp looked at Poorvi and went near her and smiled and says "I'm perfectly fine beta nothing to worry about me".
Saanjh felt hurt not because Sankalp replied to Poorvi but because he ignores her presence and not even looked at her.
Poorvi - But papa, why are you still awake?
Sankalp - I wanted to talk to you. But now there is no need for that. Because some little worry that I had for you, that has been gone now.
Poorvi looked at him. Sankalp kept her hand on her head and caress her hair and say
Sankalp - beta, Whatever you said on the terrace, about your feelings for Laksh I have heard everything. and I am very happy that my daughter has fallen in love, now I have no worries about your future because I know after marriage my daughter will live happily with her love her husband Laksh.

Poorvi felt shy and immediately hugged Sankalp . Sankalp smiled seeing her daughter shy face and kissed her head
All the time Saanjh with smile was adoring Poorvi and Sankalp bonding while standing little far from them, but her heart is in pain for not getting the same love, affection and care from her father and she got lost in past. The day she comes to know that her papa don't love her.

To be continued....................

PRECAP : Papa Hates Me

!! That's all for today!!

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