21-Will Laksh Confess His Love To Saanjh?

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Person - At last but not the least I would like to call Mr Arhaan Goenka owner of AG Company to represent his presentation.

Arhaan went to the stage and stand behind the Podium and the projector display the images on the screen.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen" saying this Arhaan started explaining everything to the audience by pointing to the screen with full confidence but with rigid face.
Arhaan ended his presentation with confidence and attitude in his face and everyone started clapping for him including his competitors even they are his competitors but they are really impressed by his mind-blowing presentation , seeing this Smirk formed upon Arhaan lips and he move towards his seat. 

Person - So Ladies and gentlemen its time to announce the result who's that lucky company who got the flyover construction project . So the company who bid low quotation with mind-blowing presentation is none other Karma industry and the tender goes to Mr Arhaan Goenka owner of AG Company . 
And the hall started echoing with clap sounds. some clapped for him reluctantly with fake smile while some were shooting drager at him. Arhaan ignore them and climb the stage stairs. While Rajveer and Nakul is genuinely happy for him and clapping for him with so much happiness on their faces. Rajveer is looking at his son with proud expression and big smile plastered on his lips. Arhaan reached the stage and the person hand over him the tender file and congratulates him while shaking hand.
Some businessman came near Arhaan with fake smile and congratulates him for winning the biggest government project while other businessman who were actually Arhaan rivals cursed him inside their heart and went from there. Nakul hugged him and congratulate him . 
While all this things going on Laksh is sitting silently absent-minded like his body is only present there but his mind is somewhere else which is clouded by only Saanjh's thought .

Rajveer walk near Arhaan and said

Rajveer happily say's "congratulations beta for your success I am really proud of you. May God give you more success in your life".

But Arhaan coldly reply "Mr Goenka you do not need to feel proud for me and please save this blessing for your son. Look how sadly he's sitting there, after all for the second time he get defeated by me and poor guy how much long gonna he pretend infront of me that he felt happy by getting defeated by me because for him I'm his elder brother". saying this last sentence he shook his head in disbelief and left from there.
Laksh came out from his thought after listening the ringtone of his phone and received the call it was his close friend Yug phone call and he talked with Yug for few minutes and asked him to meet him after half an hour in XYZ restaurant and cut the call and left the place to meet him after informing Rajveer .

XYZ Restaurant :
Laksh was waiting for his best friend Yug . After 15 minutes Yug enter inside the restaurant 
Yug - Hello! Buddy how are you?

Yug said while taking his seat 
Laksh try to smile and said " Hey Yug after long time we are meeting "

Yug - ya buddy you know na I'm leaving India and shifting to London forever so I am busy in all this and I am really very sorry that I couldn't attend your engagement that time I was in Mumbai . I know you might be upset with me being your best friend I couldn't attend my buddy engagement .

Laksh didn't react much just nodedd his head and said " its ok Yug "
Yug saw his pale face and some sadness in his voice and asked " Laksh are you ok ?"
"Ya I'm fine" Laksh replied while sadness is clearly reflecting in his voice

" No dude you are not ok, is anything bothering you ? Yug asked then he clearly examined his face and asked doubtfully "is something wrong going in your personal life?"

Laksh - no it's nothing like that.

Laksh try to avoid eye contact.

Even though Yug did not ask him again when it was clear that Laksh didn't want to share his problem with him, he also realised that something is bothering Laksh but didn't force him to say thinking that he didn't want to share his personal problem. Yug thought to divert his mind and says further.

"Anyways tell me about your would be wife" Yug asked and further say in teasing manner "You didn't even saw me, the picture of my future sister-in-law yet, so much possessive ha? I hope you don't mind me calling her Bhabhi, before going to London I really want to meet her I could not come for the engagement, but you have to make me meet sister-in-law".

(Bhabhi - Sister-in-law)

Like this Yug went on talking about Laksh and his Fiance not knowing that this thing is irritating Laksh to the core.

"Will you stop talking about my engagement and my fiance " Laksh said little loudly in irritating voice making Yug little shocked.

Yug compose himself and this time again ask in doubt "Laksh are you ok? The thing which I am going to ask you I hope I'm wrong in that. are you I mean are you not happy with your engagement ?"
Laksh looked towards his face with jerk and said " How do you know that?"
Yug - it means my guess was correct you are not happy with this engagement . Now tell me what is the reason behind it 
Laksh took a long breathe and started narrating him all the things how he met Saanjh , How he fell in love with her in first sight , how he started searching for her and didn't get any clue , how he got disappointed after not getting any clue about her and said yes for alliance with Poorvi , how at the engagement day he got to know that the girl whom he was searching like a madman is none other than the younger sister of Poorvi and  how helplessly and half-heartedly he got engaged with Poorvi because he didn't wanted both the families to face humiliation and at last he confessed to Yug that.

Laksh - Yug I love Saanjh , Poorvi is nice and sensible girl but I don't love her I love her younger sister but I got engaged with her.

Laksh said with sadness in his voice.

"Buddy this is now really a serious issue" Yug said while getting concerned for his friend.

"I know" Laksh replied with sadness.

Yug - So what have you thought?  What will you do now?

Laksh - I really don't know what to do everything is really got messed up .

Both get silent for few minutes. After some 10 minutes Yug spoke.

Yug - If you asked me then I will suggest you to confess your love to Saanjh .

Laksh look towards Yug being shocked. Laksh was about to say something when Yug stop him and says further.

"Look Laksh I know it's a serious problem, but there's no other way You've already had a lot of things buried inside yourself. especially your feeling for Saanjh, If you don't express your feelings, you will remain suffocated inside. 

If you do not express this feeling at the right time, then it may happen that you have to repent throughout your life, that you had time, yet you choose to remained silent and let whatever was happening happen. Even for your family happiness if you get married with Poorvi then also you won't be happy nor you keep Poorvi happy because you love Saanjh right? and the life of both of you and Poorvi will be ruined by this marriage. so confess your love to Saanjh as soon as possible and then talk with your family. You got an understanding family and I am sure uncle and aunty definitely gonna support you .
Laksh after thinking for some minutes Laksh finally say's "yes you are correct, it would be better if I told Saanjh about my feelings rather than being suffocated by this feeling all the time" .
Saying this he happily got up from the chair and hugged Yug and bid bye to him and left from the Restaurant.

PRECAP: I love you Saanjh, I will break this engagement with Poorvi. 

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