27-Unintentional Mistake

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On the other side Saanjh was trying hard to find Laksh but he was nowhere to seen

Saanjh - Kanha ji, I have no idea where is Laksh ji, I don't know how can I search him in this big party. Only you can help me to find him, please help me Kanha ji.

After praying to her kanha ji Saanjh again started searching for Laksh and finally she Spotted him at the corner standing alone and sipping soft drink. Saanjh got happy and move towards him but before she could reach near Laksh, suddenly someone pulled her due to which she landed on that person chest. Before Saanjh could saw his face, that person dragged her towards the isolated place of the hotel where no one is present there and pinned her to the near by wall while holding her upper arm tightly. Saanjh get shocked seeing that person face who pinned her to the wall and the person is none other than Arhaan.


Arhaan was about to leave from that place where Saanjh was standing some minutes before thinking that may be it was his illusion, when his nostrils hits with the same sweet jasmine fragrance and he got to know that it was not his illusion that girl is actually present here some minutes before, it means that she is inside the party only. Arhaan got angry thinking that how dare she came in his party, but the main question is why she came here? And how she entered inside the party? and he angrily started searching for her when he spotted her moving towards the corner. So he fastly move towards her direction and pulled her towards him and dragged her towards the isolated place not wanted to create any scene in the party.


"What the hell are you doing here you clumsy girl ? Just tell me why you came here? and how you entered inside the party ? Tell me." Arhaan holding her upper arm tightly asked her in high pitch.

Saanjh got scared seeing Arhaan in front of her and due to his tight hold her arms are started paining now. so Saanjh started pleading Arhaan.

"Lion ji you here. please leave me lion ji let me go" Saanjh pleaded infront of Arhaan.

First Arhaan was dumbfounded listening her addressing him Lion, but he immediately masked his expression and again turned into angry man.

"Let you go ha? Why should I let you go? first tell me What are you doing in my party? Speak up dammit" Arhaan asked angrily still holding her upper arms tightly.

Saanjh get shocked knowing that he is the host of the party, he's the one who has thrown this lavish party, and got more scared and started pleading him more.

Saanjh - sorry Lion ji I did not know that this is your party or I would never come here. Now please let me go.

Saanjh pleaded infront of him again like a scared kitten.

"Not so soon Miss Clumsy , not before getting my answer that what the hell are you doing in my party ? Let me guess" saying this Arhaan pretend like thinking "so you are here to took your revenge because that day I scolded you in front of so many people, so you came here to took revenge for your humiliation and wanted to spoil my party ? am I right Miss Clumsy ? Arhaan said making Saanjh shocked.

Saanjh instantly nodded her head in no and before she could say something Arhaan dangerously move close to her due to which she closed her eyes due to scaredness. Arhaan saw her closed eyes , shivering pink soft lips and got drown in her beautiful face and forgot that he was angry upon her and his eyes got soften seeing her innocence and he continuously gawking her without blinking his eyes, he inhaled her sweet jasmine fragrance which he was carving to inhale from long time and started loosing his control upon himself and unknowingly he moved his face near her face and look towards her soft pulpy pink lips and his hold got loosen upon her arms and automatically and unknowingly he moved his lips near her lips. When Saanjh felt Arhaan's hot breathe fanning over her lips she immediately open her eyes with jerk and saw that Arhaan was dangerously closed to her face, she widened her eyes and pushed him with full force and run from there.

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