Character introduction

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MIZUKI AKAGUROMIZUKI - beautiful moonAKAGURO - blood, red, black, stain

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MIZUKI - beautiful moon
AKAGURO - blood, red, black, stain.
Mizuki has the ability to do whatever a vampire can do. Such as...

Drinking blood - although she can consume human food, when on the battle field, she can regain her stamina and strength by drinking blood. It can also allow her to heal faster if necessary.

Enhanced strength - her strength can be up to 10x as strong as a human.

Enhanced speed - her speed can differ up to 10x faster than a humans. A human can run up to 20 mph, so her top speed would be around 200 mph.

Healing - she can heal any wound, including missing limbs and organs, but the extent of her healing may waste some of her stamina, in which case, she must consume blood or risk passing out.

Fast reflexes - self explanatory.

Enhanced senses - her sight, hearing, taste and smell are up to 10x stronger than a humans, especially when blood is close by.

Claws - she has sharp nails, which she sometimes uses as claws, or to climb easier.

Night vision- can see in the dark.

-even in cold weather, Mizuki has to wear sunscreen because of her sensitivity to sunlight.
-finds it hard to concentrate because of her enhanced senses.
-sometimes gets cravings for blood, but just eats some meat to rid the urge.
-must eat foods with lots of iron, or cravings will return.
-is often lazy when she doesn't drink human blood and gets tired easily.

COMBAT SKILLS - Her brother wanted to be a pro hero when he was younger, so he taught her a lot of fighting techniques, such as Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. He also has an enhanced skill set, so he taught her the basics of her quirk before he left home.

Full name - Mizuki Akaguro
Age - 15
Hair colour - dark navy blue
Eye colour - red
Skin tone -pale
mother - deceased
father - deceased
brother - Chizome Akaguro- age 24
sister - Okimi Akaguro- age 22

PERSONALITY- because of her low stamina, she's often drowsy and tired. However, when she drinks blood, she's the opposite. She's energetic and never backs down from a challenge. Amongst this, she's also fond of witty comebacks and references.

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