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Mizuki knew she had an advantage - she always did when it came to fighting. Her quirk and her combat skills were a ruthless combination, a destructive force to be reckoned with. However, with Monoma fighting her, it was going to be a fair match. Or, as close to fair as a fight between a vampire and a human could be.

One touch from her new opponent meant giving him her power, which she simply couldn't allow. So, the girl was void of any strategy.

How was she supposed to win if she couldn't lay a hit on him without risking her upper hand? It was going to be impossible. Defensive manoeuvres wouldn't work because eventually, she'd tire out too. She just had to trust that even with her power in his arsenal, Monoma wouldn't be able to match Chizome's teachings.

"Are you going to fight me? Or just stare at me all day?" Monoma taunted. He knew what he was doing, all it took was one touch, then it would be over.

Dancing around each other was going to get them no where. Embracing that fact, Mizuki stepped forward.

"You may as well get it over with." She challenged, reaching out her hand. "Take my power, if you really think you can handle it."

The boys lips twitched into a smile as he took a few steps forwards, slapping her hand and stealing what had made her strong.

He felt the change between his quirk and hers. A strong, powerful, almost overwhelming change. He was going to enjoy this fight, he just knew it. The steps he took back to his place in the fighting ring where faster than usual, and when he lightly stomped onto the floor, he could see small cracks appear from below him.

"Trust me, your excitement won't last long." Mizuki informed him as the two for into fighting stances. "So what do you say, Princess, you ready to fight?"

It seemed to perk the interests of Miruko, who watched intently while they waited for one to make the first move. She was hoping she'd see something early on that she could help change, or at least help them improve on. "Begin!" She demanded, getting tired of their stalling.

"Gladly." Monoma decided to make the first move, feeling more daring now that he had a new surge of power.

He paced forwards as quick as he could, reaching Mizuki in no time. However, the girl saw the attack coming and dodged out of the way, sending him a punch as she swerved around him. Yet, despite the speed and power, Monoma saw the attack too - now possessing the skills that made Mizuki unique.

The two shared punches and kicks and any other attempt at rendering the other defeated, but no matter how hard they tried, they always managed to dodge one another, or heal up on the odd occasion that one of the hits were landed.

"You need a new strategy." Miruko advised from the sidelines. "Can't you see that this is getting you nowhere?"

Mizuki blocked another punch before jumping out of the way and gaining some space between her and Monoma by griping onto the roof. Glancing down at him, she tried to think of a strategy, a way to use her own quirk against him.

Then it clicked.

"So, you can copy All Mights quirk?"

"Theoretically - yes. But if my body isn't capable of it then it could be harmful."

: Which meant that her weaknesses weren't only hers - they were his too. The fatigue, the light sensitivity and most importantly, the hunger. She could barely contain herself and think straight when blood came into the picture, and that was with her years of training and hard work. Surely, without that experience, Monoma wouldn't be able to hold his ground against her quirk.

"Let's see what you've got." Mizuki muttered, knowing fine well that he could hear her - his pointed ears and teeth matching his newly found quirk.

Cautiously, Mizuki dragged a sharpened nail across an exposed part of her arm, the crimson liquid oozed out instantly.

"Hey... what are you doing?" Monoma wondered as his own hand clenched his stomach and his eyes began to glow red.

"You're hungry - aren't you?" Her question more of a statement. Mizuki knew her quirk, and she sure as hell wasn't going to let a rookie get the better of her.

"Shit." The boy cursed, clenching his jaw, it was clear he was trying to suppress whatever feelings had overcome him.

Her next moves were vital, she needed to stay on her toes and await an attack. So, as the girl dropped from a height, she never took her her eyes from his figure - even as he took a few steps back to try and restrain himself.

"Come on, Neito. Let go." The vampire tried to encourage, drawing more blood as she'd already healed her previous cut.

It happened in an instant. Eyes red. Teeth bared. Control lost.

Monoma didn't stand a chance against the urge, he simply lost all his humanity. Running manically, his moves weren't calculated - it was an animalistic display.

Mizuki dodged effortlessly, his combat skills weren't nearly as effective now that he'd lost himself. Then, she struck. Again, and again, and again. He was tiring faster after each blow he received, until finally, his power diminished and his body went limp.

"Help." He whimpered from the ground, and Mizuki soon realised that the fight was over.

"Is that a surrender?" She asked worriedly, gathering his grunt was a 'yes'. "Hold on." She ran towards him, helping him to his feet.

"Fucking hell."

"Not as easy as raiding a buffet, huh?" Mizuki teased, soon reverting back to her serious tone. "But seriously, you should eat something before you pass out."

Miruko got the message and scampered off to find him something with a high iron intake, leaving Mizuki alone with her new competition. She didn't mind Monoma - in fact, she admired his problem solving abilities - however, it was clear that he thought he was above her. Up until now at least.

"Does this happen every time you smell blood?" He asked her, his vampire features now changing back to normal. Something about him had definitely changed towards her, she could hear it in his tone : laced with concern, fear, and even some respect.

"Yeah." She replied casually. "It used to be worse when I first got my quirk, I didn't know what was happening or why I was always so hungry. But now, I think I've gotten used to it."

"But if I cut my hand open, you'd still feel everything I just felt?"

"Obviously. It's my quirk too."

Monoma was taken back by her nonchalance. He understood that it was her quirk, and obviously she'd had it nearly her whole life - what he couldn't fathom was that she had to endure such an untameable thirst for blood and simply just ignore it. How could she possibly ignore that? One thing was for sure, Monoma respected Mizuki more than he'd ever imagined to do so. Her class meant nothing. Besides, he could look past 1A if it meant that he could learn something from Mizuki.

"Round 2?"

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