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It took them about 2 minutes to defeat the hero killer - to defeat Chizome. There were screams, cracked ribs, burns, slashes and more brutal consequences that Mizuki was forced to watch. Her body was immobilised as soon as her hand was cut off, it grew back, but slowly. She would have much rather been knocked out, that way, she wouldn't have had to lay there, begging her classmates to stop, begging them to let Chizome live.

After her and her friends were rushed to hospital, they took blood tests to confirm her story, and eventually, the paralysis started to wear off. She didn't speak, not once. Despite Midoriya's attempts to lighten the mood, telling her that they were all brave, she didn't return the praise, nor did she accept it.

The others were quiet too, she knew exactly why. Iida was angry, and Todoroki was just at a loss for words. He knew how it felt to have a cruel family, but he didn't know whether it was best to voice that to Mizuki, just yet.

"Mizuki Akaguro?" A nurse entered the room, clipboard clutched in her shaky hands.

Mizuki looked towards the nurse, eyes puffy and red, she wasn't sure how long she'd been crying in wait of the results. "Yeah?" She croaked.

"Your sister's here to see you. We also have the test results back." The woman explained as Okimi poked her head around the door frame. "Would you like to step outside for a moment?" She basically ordered her.

In turn, Mizuki sent a curt nod, not looking at her classmates while she made a beeline to her sister. Okimi opened her arms as her sister melted into her. Of course she'd heard the news, everyone had - there were reporters crowded outside the hospital, police barely keeping them at bay.

"Shhh, it's okay." Okimi reassured as she combed a hand through her hair.

"It's him." Mizuki revealed. "I know it is." She added on. "I said his name, and he cut my fucking hand off. What the hell?" She tried to suppress her tears.

"They've got him Mizu. He can't hurt you anymore." She loosened the hug, bending down to her sisters eye level. "The test results are in, and you're right. That is Chizome, at least it used to be. That monster isn't our brother anymore. Do you understand?"

"He hesitated. He could have slit my throat, but he hesitated." Mizuki argued. "What if Chi is still in there? What if we can change him back?"

It was a naive thought, Okimi knew their brother had started to disappear ever since he quit hero school. Now, he was just a cocoon of the man he used to be, an empty vessel. "We should head home." The eldest shut down, taking Mizuki's hand and beginning to walk away.

However, Mizuki had other plans. "No." She pulled away, clouded by a sense of both grief and anger. "You don't get it. You never liked him, you probably wanted this to happen."

"Mizu, please. Please, just come home." Okimi's eyes began to water. "Things are going to change now, we need to stick together."

1 week later

"You were right." Mizuki said to her sister as she flicked through their mail. They were getting worse, she managed to count up to 9 death threats this time and a letter from Miruko's hero agency, which she put aside for later. "Hey, have you seen the video?" She asked, walking towards the kitchen where Okimi tried her best to cook.

"Hasn't everyone?" Okimi laughed through her pained voice. "Could this tragic family accident have been the fault of Chizome Akaguro?" She quoted. "What a load of shit. None of us caused the fire, our parents were just unlucky. Chizome wouldn't have."

"The cherry on top is when the narrator adds on ' Will the rest of the infamous family follow in his footsteps'. The video was supposed to be about the hero killer, not us."

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