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De-stressing was going to be difficult, but it wasn't time to be thinking of that just yet. Mizuki was stood in a disabled changing room, her costume hugging her figure and her goggles resting on her head, holding her bangs out of eyes. It had been a while since she'd dressed in such attire, but with Aizawa formally telling All Might that she had to participate in hero training, it was something she couldn't avoid. She looked in the mirror of the changing room, barely recognising the girl that looked back at her.

Her reflection lacked enthusiasm, lacked the spark that she had when she was first joining the course. Maybe she just needed to spice up her look - anything to draw attention away from herself. Reluctantly, she reached into her bag, taking out her eyeliner and tracing sharp pointed wings over each eye. That was enough for her, and the best she could do with such minimal equipment.

Sighing, she looked over to the changing room door, her hand caressing the handle before she mustered up her composure and left the room. Of course, the time she'd taken in the changing room, and her lack of notice that she'd was indeed participating, the others were all gathered outside, All Might standing centre. The vampire stood at the back of the group, her footsteps quiet as she stayed silent and still.

"As heroes, there are a range of villains that you'll find yourself facing." All Might continued with his introduction to the class. If he noticed her, then he didn't make it obvious. "Enemies will be lurking in every corner, every shadow, trying to sneak up on you. Every hero will have a target on their back at some point in their lives, that has became clearer more recently."

Mizuki scowled at the back of the group, was he seriously referencing that? Now of all times? She wasn't amused, but she'd keep her opinions to herself for now.

"For this exercise, I want everyone to get into pairs." He instructed, causing the group to look amongst each other. "Each pair will be given an opportunity to work on their detecting skills and reflexes while everyone else hides and orchestrates sneak attacks. If they land a hit, you lose. Understood?"

Instantly, hands shot into the air, mostly Iida repeatedly shooting his hand up and down. Mizuki sighed, he was still as annoying as ever.

"What if one member of the pair is hit?" He asked in a hurry, not even waiting to be called on to ask.

"Then both lose. This is also about protecting your counterpart." All Might answered. "If that's all then you can get into pairs, we'll draw lots as to who defends first."

His order made the group look back amongst themselves, their gazes soon landing on Mizuki, stood there begrudgingly avoiding their eyes. This was torturous, all she had to do was wait it out and hope that she didn't end up with someone she hated. She crossed her arms, unwavering despite the whispers her enhanced hearing picked up on.

Every so often, she watched people get into duos.
Iida and Midoriya.
Kaminari and Kirishima.
Uraraka and Asui.
Yaoyorozu and Jiro.
Ojiro and Hagakure.
Ashido and Sero.
Todoroki and Tokoyami.
Sato and Aoyama.
Shoji and Koda

Until she was left with the worst of the worst - but she couldn't completely complain, at least he hated her for her own actions rather than her brothers. He walked over to her, seemingly as irritated as she was. "I wondered why the birds stopped singing." Ouch. "Since when did you stop skipping hero basic training?" He scoffed, hands on his hips.

"Since I heard you were getting sloppy. Figured you needed someone to show you how it's really done." She retorted.

"How many lessons have you skipped? If anyone's getting sloppy, it's you."

She rolled her eyes, it was probably true that she'd missed out on a few things, putting her at a slight disadvantage. But it still hurt to hear. "Aizawa's been keeping me updated, though I'm guessing the theory doesn't live up to the practical."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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