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Although Mizuki hated her loss, she managed to beat both Bakugo and Todoroki, meaning she wasn't entirely irritated by her second place standing

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Although Mizuki hated her loss, she managed to beat both Bakugo and Todoroki, meaning she wasn't entirely irritated by her second place standing. However she was annoyed enough to angrily walk back into the 1A waiting room, sulking as she drank her refreshment.

"Only the top 42 will make it into the next round, but don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut, we've prepared other opportunities for you to shine." Midnight informed the group as the vampire walked back into the crowd, standing beside Kirishima who was happy to have placed in the top 10. "Now the real fun is about to begin. The chance to fully move yourselves into the limelight. Do your best. Let's see what we have in store for you now. Will your wildest dreams come of life?" Midnight spun the wheel of fate once again. "The waiting is torture.prepare yourselves, for this!"

A cavalry battle.

"Do you know what that means?" Mizuki whispered to Kirishima, hoping he'd have answers.

"Yeah, I sometimes played it in middle school, didn't think it would show up in the sports festival though." He replied as he remembered his younger years.

"Allow me to explain, the participants will form teams of 2 to 4 people of who they see fit. In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game, but there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on their place on the obstacle course." Midnight revealed, suddenly interrupted by the theories of the students in front of her. However, it wasn't their job to explain. "Maybe you should shut up and let me explain!?" The teacher yelled.

"The point assignments go up in increments of 5 from the bottom. For example, 42nd place is worth 5 points. 41st is worth 10. And the point value assigned to the first contestant is... 10 million!" She shouted, suddenly all eyes were on Midoriya.

"Is it just me, or did Midnight forget how to math?" Mizuki wondered, knowing that 42 x 5 was definitely not 10 million.

"This is simply to spice things up. A chance for those at the bottom to climb to the top." Midnight defended, but she was correct, this did change things. Midoriya may have been the number one target, but Mizuki was next in line. Anyone who didn't want to fight for the 10 million would go for her next.

"First years, these are the rules. The game itself will last 15 minutes, individual point values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your teams score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up, the more you steal, the harder it will be to see. And another thing, even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down, keep playing until time's up." Midnight followed with the explanation.

"This is going to be rough, you may use your quirks as much as you like, but, there are still rules. Make a team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card. You will be disqualified." Suddenly, a timer appeared on the screen. "Now, you have 15 minutes to build your teams, I recommend you get started."

As expected, the crowd broke apart, only to surround those with the highest points, other than Midoriya of course, not many knew if he was a reliable team member. However, Mizuki, Bakugo and Todoroki seemed to tick everyone's boxes when it came to a strong leader, which was slightly annoying for them.

"Hey Akaguro." Ashido was first to introduce herself. "Us 1A girls should stick together, don't ya think?" She began, hoping Mizuki would lend her a place on her team.

"No, I think she should chose based on skill, I'm strong, so I'd make a great horse." Sato tried to bribe.

"Wouldn't it be useful to be able to see enemies in all directions?" Said Shoji.

"With my quirk, we could steal headbands from a distance." Tsu stated.

Mizuki didn't know what to do. She barely knew most people in her class, and they hadn't made any attempts to talk to her up until now. Plus, she was unsure whether to go to Bakugo, after all, they did agree to team up to make it into the finals together.


"Akaguro, over here!" Kirishima waved her over, stood besides Bakugo, Sero and another crowd of begging students who wanted to be their final member.

"I'll think about it." Mizuki avoided the crowd surrounding her and jogged towards her friend. "Hey guys."

"I started to think you were walking out on us for a second." Kirishima laughed nervously.

"So we're going through with it?" Mizuki questioned.

"Of course we are dumbass, you owe me a fight." Bakugo replied.

"Can't wait." The girl rolled her eyes. "What's the plan?"

"We get the 10 million and dominate the game. Then we go after that half and half bastard." The blonde said, but his determination only made Mizuki scoff.

"Is that all?" She asked sarcastically. "Personally I think we should just defend the points we already have. Let's see..." She tried to calculate their total. "205, 190, 165, 160. Add them together is 225, 415, 620. Okay, we've got 720 points. I'm sure we can pick up a few extra's on the way."

"We're going after the 10 million, that's final."

"Maybe Akaguro's right." Sero countered. "Everyone's going after the 10 million, plus, we won't get far if we don't steal other headbands."

"It won't matter when we get the 10 million." Bakugo argued, sticking to his initial point.

"Fine, but we should wait until the last few minutes, we'll spend the first half of the round gaining up our own points, then we'll go for big one." Mizuki tried to negotiate. "Think about it, if we take it early on, we'll just have to defend the whole round, do we really have the energy for that?"

"But is it manly to just step in last minute and steal what everyone else has worked hard for?"

"Does it matter?" The vampire questioned. "My goal is to get through this the simple way, why would I undergo hardships that can easily be avoided?" She continued. "But I do have a request of my own."

"Go after the 10 million and I'll consider it." Bakugo reasoned, though there was only revenge in his plan.

"Fine, but we need to eliminate Ibara Shiozaki. Got it?"

"Who's that?" Sero asked, it was clear everyone else was thinking the same thing.

"No one important."

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