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Class felt as though it lasted hours for all the students, each were excited to either go home and train, or make themselves stand out during the festival

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Class felt as though it lasted hours for all the students, each were excited to either go home and train, or make themselves stand out during the festival. Mizuki wanted both, but she figured that she should put her training first, because she wanted to do well and score a good internship.

"Hey Akaguro." Kirishima signalled towards her. "You wanna train for the festival with me?" He wondered, Mizuki was more than willing.

"Hell yeah." She answered. "Maybe we should teach each other our fighting styles. I need to expand my horizons."

"Great, let's exchange numbers, we can decide where to meet up later." He took out his phone and the two typed in their numbers. "Maybe I should invite Bakugo? He was with us in the USJ, so he knows how we fight too. Plus, I'm guessing he'll be training alone otherwise, pretty lonely if you ask me."

Judging by Kirishima's list of reasons, it was clear his suggestion wasn't random, he'd put a lot of thought into it, but he didn't take into account one factor. "Bakugo's a dick." Mizuki replied, shocking a few bystanders who'd heard her insult. "That's my diagnosis. But, I guess I could be wrong." She rephrased, noticing Kirishima's hurt expression. "You should ask him."

"But you just said h-"

"Doesn't matter, just because he's a dick doesn't mean he'd make bad company. Maybe I'll get to fight him?" She reasoned, causing the redhead to nod and walk over to Bakugo. After a short while, he returned with his phone back in his hand. "He said it sounds fun." Kirishima lied.

Mizuki quirked a brow, prompting him to actually tell her what he'd said, because it didn't sound like Bakugo at all. "And what did you translate that from?" She wondered.

"Well, it went something like..." He coughed, preparing to mimic Bakugo's voice. "I could use a new punching bag! I can't wait to leave you two losers eating dirt! Prepare to die, dumb hair." He returned to his usual voice. "Followed by a few more insults towards you and a couple 'I'm better than you's, the usual."

"That sounds more believable." Mizuki scoffed and turned to walk out the doorway, only to be stopped by Uraraka's yells.

"Um, why the heck are you all here!?" The gravity manipulator asked a large crowd of students who'd formulated in the doorway of their class.

"Do you students have some sort of business with us?" Iida questioned.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots." Bakugo answered them, hands shoved in pockets as he continued to walk towards the doorway, regardless of the people. "We're the class that survived a real villain attack, they wanted to see us with their own eyes. At least now you know what a future pro looks like." He aimed at the crowd. "Now move it extras." He insulted them, the vampire had to cover her mouth to avoid laughing at the interaction and the panicked faces of class 1A.

"So this is class 1A. I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass." Mizuki recognised that voice, so she moved towards the door, seeing a cloud of purple hair. It was him, her new nemesis. Only he wasn't aware of that, but she'd be sure to make him aware. "Is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you? I was sad to come here and find a bunch of egomaniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to take another track, such as life. I didn't cut it the first time around, but now I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course. They'll have to transfer people out to make room. Scouting the competition, maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that if you don't do your very best I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war."

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