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Everything around Mizuki resurfaced a wave of irritation within her. She wanted Shiozaki to suffer, to beg for surrender and to get what she deserved; but all of her hopes for that outcome were down the drain. Shiozaki was weaker than Mizuki expected her to be, all it took was one punch to bring about her loss. But what irritated the vampire most was the sheer strength behind her punch, maybe if she'd held back then the fight would've been prolonged. Alas, her anger got the better of her.

The next few matches were a blur, but she tuned in whenever Bakugo was fighting - solely due to him being her rival. Not that she cared enough to attempt to win the competition, but beating Bakugo was highly appealing.

"Akaguro." Kirishima tapped her shoulder, noticing she wasn't paying attention too much. "Are you headed down? Your match is next." He advised.

"Yeah, I should." The girl got to her feet, feeling a little more energised after some of the food she'd stolen from the cafeteria.

"I'll accompany you." Tokoyami also arose. The two were fighting next, so neither saw the point in leaving separately. "I look forward to fighting you."

"Likewise." The vampire flashed her fangs. In all honestly, she was definitely not looking forward to fighting Tokoyami. His quirk was strong, along with his strategies, not to mention he probably wanted to bounce into the next round as much as she did. "No hard feelings?" She questioned as the hallway split in two.

"No hard feelings." The boy agreed with a swift nod of his head.

Thus, leaving both teens to voyage to their own area at separate ends of the arena. Mizuki didn't like the idea of fighting her own classmate, unlike her previous match, her own class would be conflicted on who to root for. But on the plus side, Tokoyami wasn't known for holding grudges.

"Next up in the quarterfinals is........" Present mic screeched above the cheering crowd, obviously pleased to see Iida win his previous match. "Two of our favourite shady future heroes. Both quirks are as equally scary as the other. Put your hands together for Fumikage Tokoyami and Mizuki Akaguro!"

As the two strode onto the platform, Mizuki's eyes never left Tokoyami, she was locked onto her target, now she just had to be fast enough to avoid Dark Shadow. Luckily, speed was her strong suit.

"Ready?" Midnight cheered, waving her whip in the air. "Begin!"

Instantly, Mizuki charged towards Tokoyami, her speed was so enhanced that she was centimetres away from punching her opponent before a dark figure caught her fist. It pushed her away from him, towards the edge of the ring, but it wasn't over, she put up one hell of a fight against the Shadow. Pushing viciously, the shadow began to weaken, falling back to its origin slowly.

But it was too slow for Mizuki's liking, she needed to get the fight over with before she ran out of fuel. "Come on Tokoyami, don't let your quirk do all the work." She taunted as she got closer to him. Although Tokoyami didn't make any obvious indications of his anger, Mizuki could tell she'd struck a nerve.

Dark shadow began to gain its strength once again, it was feasting off the boys anger. Upon feeling the stronger attack, Mizuki swiftly released the shadow and darted to the side as its momentum pushed the shadow forwards. Tokoyami was defenceless. The opening was clear. Mizuki leapt towards her opponent, fists clenched however she wouldn't need them. When she was close enough, she brought down her leg sharply and powerfully. Tokoyami managed to dodge, but only by a few inches, thus leading him to be pushed further back by the gust of wind created by the kick. His stumble gave Mizuki enough time to land on one leg before shooting the other in his direction, hitting his centre of gravity and sending him flying out of bounds.

As she composed herself, the crowd erupted into cheers for her again. She almost felt bad for Tokoyami, he didn't get a chance to shine in their fight, much like his fight with Yaoyorozu, which was over in seconds. However, deep down, she knew she needed to shine brighter than anyone else, it was the only way to get her brothers attention, which she desperately desired.

"Mizuki Akaguro advances to the semifinals!"

Authors stuff

Sorry I've been busy and will probably be busy for the next month at least. I know it's a short chapter, but we're one chapter closer to the dramatics.

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