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Nomu were distinct from others in 3 ways ; their appearance, their destructive nature, and the combined scent of polluted blood residing within them. Mizuki hated it. She hated the stench that rotted their flesh, it was all just a reminder that whatever these creatures were, it wasn't human. On the other hand, Monoma was naive to the barbaric nature of their foe, he needed to know that he couldn't reason with insanity, he needed to fight.

"Watch out!" Mizuki warned him as one flew too close. "These things are deadly, don't get too close." She advised him.

"Then what the hell are we supposed to do?" He asked in a panic. It wasn't as though they could just run away, because the villain already had them targeted, besides, it was safer if they were selected rather than a bystander.

"Keep it away from civilians." She decided, while her partner just sent a nod in return. When All Might fought a Nomu, he had to punch it so many times that it almost broke him, but Mizuki didn't have time to relentlessly exchange blows with the monster in front of her. She needed a way to obstruct it despite its regenerative abilities, she needed a trap.

Scaling her surroundings, her eyes landed on an opportunity and she formulated her plan. "Monoma, you see that streetlight over there?" She pointed in the direction of the pole that was curved and lying on the ground, a result of the battle. "I need you to run towards it."

The boys eyes lit up as he realised her plan. It was villainously remarkable, and if they were facing a human in a fight, it may have been simply evil, but their foe was no human. "You're insane." He scoffed, but the sly smile on his face betrayed the insult.

Following orders, Monoma ducked under the next punch and led the Nomu towards the pole. All while Mizuki sprinted ahead and used her claws to sharpen the trap. It happened in an instant, Monoma jumped over the trap while the vampire snuck behind their enemy and swiped its feet out from under it, forcing it to be impaled. However, when the beast tried to resurface, the girl used her strength to deform the pole, making it impossible for the Nomu to escape.

They'd done it.

"One down, about a dozen more to go." She remarked in slight victory before turning to her comrade.

Unlike her, Monoma didn't seem too pleased about their victory, his skin was unusually pale, his dark circles more prominent and his hand held his stomach in pain. It had only been a week since he'd first discovered her quirk, and it was impossible to ask him to overcome the hunger in such a short time period, yet his resolve was remarkable.

"I don't think I have enough fuel." Monoma admitted. "There's a few pro's around, I should see if any of their quirks are available."

Mizuki nodded. "Okay, we'll meet back up later. Good luck."

With that, Monoma used the remainder of his power to retreat while Mizuki rushed to find a height advantage to scope out the area. The chaos was everywhere, but she needed to see if any civilians needed her help, like Miruko advised.

Just then, her phone vibrated in her suit pocket. She usually wouldn't have checked it, not with all the fighting nearby, but she had a gut feeling that sent shivers down her spine. When she checked, she saw a message on her class group chat from Midoriya, nothing but a location in Hosu. Granted, she didn't know Midoriya all too well, but it was painfully obvious that this was unusual for him.

So, she decided to find him. For all she knew, he could have been in grave danger and even though he was a few miles away, she could reach him in a few minutes tops. It may drain her, but she'd have to manage, like she always did.

"Why do I always end up saving his scrawny ass?" The girl muttered as she leaped from building to building, trying to conserve some of her energy on the way.

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