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"Oki, I'm home

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"Oki, I'm home." Mizuki Akaguro declared as she walked into her and her sister, Okimi's, house.

"Took you long enough." Oki perked up from her spot on the sofa, holding up a white envelope. "You got a letter."

"You think it's U.A.?" Mizuki wondered, her fangs appearing as she smiled. It had been months since the entrance exam, and everyday, she'd wondered when she'd receive news. Finally, it was time.

"Yup. You wanna put it on the big screen? Looks like it's some sort of disk." Okimi asked, examining the other contents.

"Is it weird to be this nervous?" The vampire asked as she set up the video.

"Don't worry, you said you aced the exam, have a little faith." Oki messed up her hair, only to find it damp. "Is it raining?" Instantly, Mizuki tensed, she was supposed to be a hero, but somehow she was getting bullied by a bunch of middle schoolers.

"They threw holy water on me, again." She admitted. "Somehow, they were still shocked when I didn't evaporate."

"God, kids are such assholes, it wasn't this bad when I was in school. Sure, the odd vampire joke, but since my quirk allows me to heal people who's blood I drink, they were cool with me." The older sister scoffed, she hated the way people treated Mizuki because of her quirk, after all, she had the potential to be a great hero. "Whatever, they'll learn to fuck off when you get into U.A and they don't." She smirked, her own, slightly smaller, fangs showing.

"They better. But some of them are applying to the hero course, so if we get in, I'll be able to kick their asses, show them who've they been messing with. The Countess." She posed, still trying to pick out her possible hero name.

"Not it." Oki shut down.

"Dracualara? Vamp? Fang? I'm struggling here."

"Shut up, it's starting to play." They both silenced and saw a video of All Might pop onto the TV screen. "Damn, I bet Chizome wishes he was here now. He loves All Might."

"Shhh!" Mizuki waved her hands in front of her sisters face.

"Don't sush me."

"I AM HERE! On your screen!" All Might echoed through the room. "Young Akaguro, it is my please to inform you that you have been accepted into U.A's prestigious hero course, and will enlist in Class 1A. Please send your hero consume design, along with your name and class attached. I'm looking forward to having the top scorer of the entrance exam as my student. Any further details will be provided in the letter. Remember, go beyond, plus ultra!" The recording ended, leaving the two girls to sit in shock.

"Top scorer?"

"He's looking forward to it?" They were both amazed at All Mights words, and the fact that Mizuki had landed such a high score on the entrance exam, which Oki had a hunch would happen, after all, their bother taught her a lot before he left. "And you were nervous?" Oki joked.

"Wow, this is happening." Mizuki smiled, she was one step closer to being a real hero.

"Damn right it is, maybe this calls for a celebratory meal?" The eldest nudged her head to the kitchen. "Hayashi Rice. I got off early so I decided to make some. You're welcome."

"This is so cool." Mizuki cheered. Even though her day started with a stinky smell of garlic and holy water thrown over her, nothing could ruin the events that had just occurred.

"Also, I want to run something by you." Okimi stated, her tone turned serious. "I know you want Chizome to come back, and I get that you think this will make him want to live with us again. But, he's been missing for four years, if he wanted to come back, then he would have done it already. Plus, it was his decision to run away without a trace, maybe he doesn't want to be found, or come back. So, instead of fighting for him, you should fight for yourself. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. How long until foods ready?"

"Did you seriously let that run over your head?"

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