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"Okay, so here's the plan

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"Okay, so here's the plan..." Mizuki began explaining. "Bakugo is going to be the rider, Kirishima is the strong front horse. That leaves me and Sero to offer support on the sides. For the first half of the round, we'll eliminate the weaker teams, but we'll switch it up once we have an idea on how people are playing this."

"And Shiozaki?" Sero wondered, knowing that Mizuki had mentioned her previously.

"I've already said I want to eliminate her." Akaguro answered. "Nothing's changed."

"Weak." Bakugo murmured, but he was fully aware of Mizuki's good hearing.

"And what would you suggest, exploda-boy?" The girl raised a brow, not enjoying his attitude.

"If you want to eliminate her, do it yourself. The one on one battles." He advised, and for once, Mizuki understood him. That was when she realised what needed to be done.

"I'll let her build her hopes up, she'll think the final round will guarantee her a sturdy future." The vampire hypothesised.

"Then crush her." Bakugo added on, leaving the other two team members lost for words. Both looked up to their stronger classmates, envisioning them as strong virtuous heroes, however, they were acting far from that.

"I hope those two don't become friends." Sero whispered to Kirishima, who was even more nervous.

"I think it's too late."

"All teams form your structures and prepare for the battle ahead!" Midnight instructed everyone, some were already in position, desperate to win this with speed, however, other teams were more laid back, for example, those in Class 1B seemed as though they were looking down on 1A.

"Okay all you first years! I hope you're happy with your chosen teams!" Mic announced once everyone was prepared. Let's get this party started, one final countdown before the games starts."

"This is it, you guys ready?" Sero asked.

"Hell yeah!"

"3, 2, 1!" Mic counted down, while Midnight awaited the perfect time to yell.

"Begin!" The hero ordered, and suddenly the team took off. Lead by Kirishima and supported by both Sero and Akaguro, their team was evenly paced with the others, except they had a vampire who could quite literally push them forwards.

As expected, all teams targeted Midoriya, however, he managed to avoid using... a jetpack? "Where the hell did he get that?" Mizuki asked, dumbfounded but also a little jealous.

"Woah, it's already getting messy out there!" Mic yelled. "Watch out for those headbands, you can even ignore the 10 million and go after the other high scorers!" He advised and that's when Mizuki's ears twitched.

"Watch out!" Mizuki pointed out and suddenly kicked whatever had gotten too close to them, but when she realised how easy it had been to deter, she discovered it wasn't a person, at least, not a whole person. A pair of hands were circling the team, yet none of them knew who this quirk belonged to.

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