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After the small break U

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After the small break U.A was given after the attack, things went back to normal, almost as though nothing had even happened. No one had intruded the school. No one got hurt. And the students weren't emotionally distressed. It was as though they'd tried to mask everything up.

Mizuki wandered around the school, taking a few laps of the corridors until she felt as though it was an appropriate time to enter her class. She wasn't exactly a morning person, and most definitely didn't want to converse with everyone in her class. The previous night, her and Okimi saw themselves on the news, along with a few of the other class members in the background, so she knew that would be the centre of conversation.

While she was mindlessly walking, the vampire suddenly collided with another student, though she didn't pay him much mind, considering she was clearly stronger therefore shoved him backwards. However, the other student didn't have the same passiveness as her.

"Watch where you're going hero." The student said the word with venom, which was odd considering heroes were supposed to be loved.

"You walked into me dipshit." She finally looked at the boy, having to tilt her neck upwards because of their height difference. Mizuki wouldn't say she was short, but when stood beside him, she felt small.

"You obviously weren't paying attention, because you walked into me." He persisted.

Mizuki wasn't exactly expecting someone to talk back to her, considering she'd walked through the corridor for a while and everyone else had stepped aside for her. Maybe they feared her? Or saw her on the news? But this boy didn't seemed fazed at all, she was intrigued.

"Maybe you're right, but you mustn't have been paying attention either, right?" She guessed, it only made sense. She could hear his heart rate increase, she'd figured him out. "Looks like I'm right."

"Don't act so self righteous, you're wrong." He denied.

"Really? Because I swear, whenever you lie, your heart rate increases." She smirked, but the boy in front of her didn't seem to like the fact she'd proven him wrong, she saw that when he clenched his jaw.

"What's your name?" He then asked, random since they'd just been fighting earlier.

"Mizuki Akaguro, what's your na-" Before she could finish her own question, her vision blurred and she suddenly felt numb. Mizuki had no clue what was going on, she couldn't move, she couldn't feel, she could barley think. It was like sleep paralysis in broad daylight.

"Go to class." The boy spoke and her body moved on its own accord, completely ignoring whatever attempts her mind made to try and stop it.

Unwillingly, Mizuki walked into her home room class, her face was void of any emotion and her eyes were fixated directly in front of her, she felt like a zombie. It wasn't a fun experience, and she was determined to find whoever did that to her and make sure to get her own revenge, maybe she'd put laxatives in his lunch, or she could put gum in his extremely fluffy and adorable hair. No, that was too far.

"Oh, hey Akaguro." Kirishima greeted, but was confused when the girl completely ignored him and sat down in her chair. "Um Akaguro?" He questioned, tapping her shoulder and snapping her out of her trance.

As soon as he did so, the once calm vampire was easily replaced by an irritated version. "That idiot just brainwashed me!" She yelled.

"Huh?" The red haired boy asked.

"Yeah! Otherwise I wouldn't be here so damn early." Mizuki almost head-butt her desk in her own frustration.

"Well, at least you're here on time." The boy tried to make light of the situation. "Anyways, how were your days off? I was pretty worried when you passed out but your sister said it was normal."

"It was fine really, I just did some training and bought myself some new gloves." She showed her fingerless leather gloves, which she'd probably have to take off sooner or later, but she hadn't explicitly been told to do so yet. She looked back towards her friend, wondering what he was waiting for, then she realised she probably should have payed attention to social cues. "Did you do anything?" She maintained the conversation.

"Same as you really, I just trained a lot. And watched a few of the broadcasts we featured in."

"You should probably sit down, I can hear Iida aggressively marching, and I don't want to hear him yelling at us first thing on a Monday." The vampire warned, causing the boy to quickly retreat back to his own seat. Kirishima was a good person and he clearly meant well, but years of isolation meant that Mizuki didn't know how to act around him, she couldn't decide whether to mirror his personality or stick to her own.

"Attention everyone! Home room class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!" The class rep burst through the door, but Mizuki had already warned them.

"We're all sitting." Sero revealed.

"Yeah, you're the only one standing." Sato added.

As Iida angrily sat down, the door to the classroom opened once again. Only this time, instead of a student, a mummy stood in the doorway. "Morning class." He said, his voice muffled by the bandages.

"Mr Aizawa? What are you doing here?" They all asked the teacher, who was supposed to be recovering from his injuries.

My wellbeing is irrelevant, what's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." Aizawa informed, scaring a few of the students who hadn't gotten used to his over-exaggeration. "The UA sports festival is about to start."

Mizuki picked up her head from the desk, this was interesting. Not only could she possibly get revenge on the corridor boy, but she could also get on tv and show her brother that she could be a pro and do what he couldn't. She needed to show Chizome exactly what she was capable of and that he was wrong to leave.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Kirishima cheered, but was stopped by Kaminari.

"Wait a second."

"Is it the best idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jiro wondered.

"They could just attack us when we're all in the same place."

"Apparently the administration think this a way of showing that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus, they're beefing up security in comparison to past years." Aizawa reassured.

"And, we captured all the leaders underlings, it'll take him a while to build up and army that big again." The vampire added.

"Agreed. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villains." He continued. "Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic Games, but then quirks started appearing, and now the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For everyone who cares about competition, there's only one tournament that matters, the UA sports festival."

"This is where we get scouted." Yaoyorozu clenched her fist, clearly determined.

"She's right, after graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick." Kaminari confirmed, he was planning on taking that path by the looks of it.

"It's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity. That's why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day then this event could open a path for you. One chance a year, three chances in a lifetime, no aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training." The educator advised.

"Yes sir." Everyone agreed.

"Class dismissed."

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