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Mizuki figured out a lot about Yaoyorozu after she'd begun talking

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Mizuki figured out a lot about Yaoyorozu after she'd begun talking. Her quirk was creation, and she was practically a genius. In other words, they had this in the bag. She also analysed some of her classmates during their battles, Midoriya and Bakugo had some type of rivalry and Todoroki was way too overpowered. Fire and ice? Surely one was enough?

"And the third match will be....." All Might picked up two teams. "The villainous team C verses the heroic team J. The villains will have five minutes to prepare, while the heroes strategise." He instructed and the two girls made their way to the bomb.

"I assume you have a plan?" Mizuki quirked a brow when she saw the excited look on her teammates face.

"I'll barricade the door." She said simply.

"But we don't know our enemies quirks, for all we know, they could break through." The other stated. "Look, I'm really skilled when it comes to stealth, so I think we should split up. Besides, we can always communicate with the ear pieces and rendezvous."

"That's right, we don't know the extent of the threat." Yaoyorozu thought aloud. "If you really are good at sneaking, then you should relay any information you find back to me. Depending on their quirks, we'll decide the approach from there. But don't engage until necessary."

"Got it." Mizuki took off her goggles so her night vision would work better, making her red eyes slightly glow.

"I'll get to work on the barricade." The girl suddenly turned her back towards Mizuki and a metal beam emerged from her front.

"Wish me luck." The vampire walked away from the bomb and found a room on the first floor that she decided would be a good place to eavesdrop.

She waited for a few minutes until she heard All Might officially start their battle, she hoped Yaoyorozu managed to finish the barricade in time.

"I'll use my earphone jacks to find their locations, then I'll let you take them out with your electricity." A feminine voice instructed.

"Yeah, I can't focus it, so you'll have to back off for a little while." A boy replied.

That was easier than expected, she'd managed to listen in on their strategy, but unfortunately, they didn't have many ways to combat Jiro's earphone jack, other than hoping they wouldn't be able to pass through the barricade. Quickly, Mizuki tapped her earpiece and contacted her teammate.

"The girl has an earphone quirk, which means she has good hearing and will know our locations. The boys got an electric quirk but can't target it." She quickly explained.

"I'll make an insulating blanket to withhold the electricity." The other took the information well. "What will you do?"

"I can try to avoid, but they'll know my location in no time."

Just then, she heard Jiro gasp. "They've split up. One of them is on this floor and the other is on the third." She revealed.

"Leave this to me." Kaminari walked through the corridor and stopped when Jiro nodded her head, Mizuki knew he was there, she had to escape and quick. "1.3 million v-" Before he could finish he sentence, the vampire swung from the ceiling and kicked him in the face, but that didn't stop the electricity he was holding from zapping her.

"Son of a bitch!" She yelled in pain and watched as Kaminari get back to his feet. He didn't release the full amount of electricity, and managed to stay sane for now.

"You thought you could sneak up on us?" He taunted and prepared more electricity. Swiftly, the vampire jumped onto the ceiling and hung there, waiting for the electric field to pass before she landed again.

"Yaoyorozu, avoiding them is impossible now." She said.

"Akaguro, are you okay?" Momo worried.

"I'm fine, I'll make this quick." Mizuki smirked and thought of a plan. Kaminari couldn't control where his electricity shot, so she just had to make sure Jiro was close to her at all times.

Swiftly, she used her enhanced speed to swerve around the boy and then dived for Jiro. The earphone user instantly panicked, why wouldn't she? A girl with fangs bearing and claws sharpened was trying to pounce onto her, she was like a predator. Mizuki used her shock to her advantage and ducked under the earphone jack before wrapping one arm around Jiro's neck and pushing her claws towards her skin.

"She's my hostage now." Mizuki stated. "Move and I cut."

"Um, Akaguro? Did I hear that right?" Momo wondered.

"Yep, we're villains, remember?"

"Yeah, you're pretty strong too. You survived a blast of electricity from Kaminari and you're still fighting, pretty cool." Jiro complimented, but Mizuki could see hear earphone slithering into an angle to strike.

Suddenly, the plug jerked towards Mizuki's eyes and her quick reflexes allowed her to grab it before it made contact. "Gotcha." Mizuki spoke softly. Then, the vampire got the tape from her pocket and tied up Jiro. She was officially captured by team C. Kaminari was next. "Well, let's get this over with." She said to him and got into a fighting stance.

He couldn't use his quirk, not with Jiro so close by, so Kaminari only had one option. Run. He had to get to the third floor, and reach the bomb. Maybe he'd have better luck with Yaoyorozu? Or maybe he could lead Akaguro far enough from his teammate so he could use his quirk.

"Yaoyorozu, Jiro is out, but Kaminari is coming to the third floor." She alerted.

"You have enhanced speed, don't you?" Momo questioned.

"Yes, but it's a trap, he can't use his quirk around Jiro so he's louring me away." She informed. "I'll meet you back in the bomb room."

"I've already barricaded the door."

"I'll use the window." She suggested then rushed outside of the building before scaling the building. "Shit, that guy really got me." She looked at the burns on her legs beginning to heal then jumped as high as she could, digging her claws into the building and repeating the process. Soon later. She reached one of the windows and saw a familiar ponytail, so she knocked before carving out a hole in the glass. "I'm back." She said.

"What happened out there?"

"He's already zapped me, so my energy is feeling slightly drained. I can't risk getting hit by that much electricity again."

"I see. In that case, you made the right call by retreating." Momo agreed.

"Yeah, he won't be able to break through that, but Jiro probably could have. She had speakers on her shins, I assume they shoot out some kind of sound. Maybe it would be loud enough to break solid structures?" The vampire theorised. "How long until we time out?"

Just then, the metal barricade glowed in a yellow hue. He was trying to break through, luckily Yaoyorozu placed blankets around it, meaning they were safe. "I think we may be here a while, but if All Might knows he won't break through, then they'll forfeit." The creation hero answered.

"1 million volts!" Kaminari screamed from the other side of the doorway.

"He's going to fry his brain, isn't he?" Mizuki asked.


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