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"Mizu, bring back a medal and I'll make sushi

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"Mizu, bring back a medal and I'll make sushi." Okimi smiled at her sister, trying to bribe her even though she already knew she was dead set on winning. "I'll record the festival too, that way we can look at your dumb facial expressions and eat popcorn."

"My facial expressions aren't that weird." Mizuki sighed.

"Really?" Okimi questioned. "Because you look dumbfounded, all the time."

"Not today though, I've got to make a good impression, I'm going to be on TV. There's more satellites here than in the Olympics, isn't that crazy?" The vampire blurted the facts she'd picked up from Aizawa, her nerves were becoming more and more obvious. "Do you think he'll be watching?"

"Chizome?" Okimi wondered, hoping it wasn't the answer, alas, Mizuki nodded. "I don't know Mizu. But you shouldn't win this for him, do it for you. Got it?" She encouraged.

"I am doing it for me, I just want him to know that I'm strong, too. I'm multitasking. In other words, I'm securing my chances of being offered an internship and becoming a true hero." She argued, but Okimi thought otherwise. However, she didn't want to bring down her sisters spirit or motivation for the challenge ahead.

"You've got this, don't be afraid to use that aspect of your quirk if it comes to it." The older sister suggested. "If you're going to win, you need to be at your top strength. Energy drinks aren't going to cut it. As a health professional, you should take my advise, understood?"

"Whatever. I won't need it, this'll be a piece of cake." She rolled her eyes and walked towards the door, on,y to be stopped again my Okimi.

"Wait." She yelled. "You almost forgot your bento." She waved the box. Okimi wasn't stupid, she could tell her sisters act was a bluff. Mizuki was distracted, nervous and maybe even in denial, all of which were a terrible combination for her success. Slightly nervous too, Okimi followed her sister to the car. "Here, connect your phone, I'll let you play your own music, but only this once." She passed over a cable, trying to allow Mizuki to destress. Which she fully took advantage of and played as many songs as she could before the two arrived at U.A.

Unfortunately, the busyness meant she had to leave the car early, but it wasn't too much of a hassle because she managed to find Sero on her travels and walked by him. "You excited Akaguro?" The boy wondered.

"Course I am." She lied, in reality, she was drowning in her own nerves. "You?"

"Nah, I'm way too nervous, so many people will be watching us, ya know? But I still wanna show off so I guess I can cope." He answered.

"Yeah, we're here so early and there's already so many reporters, some of them are planning to ask us for an interview." Mizuki overheard a few reporters talking. "Over there." She nudged her head, causing Sero to look in the direction too.

"You wanna do it? Heroes need media coverage, it'll be good practice."

"But we've not been taught how to deal with them, what if they have evil tactics to make us slip up?" She hypothesised, to which Sero laughed.

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