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When the match was finally over, Mizuki stood from her seat and made her way back down to the waiting rooms of the arena. She couldn't help but notice the stares, but she was bound to receive far more when she stood upon a podium. 3rd place wasn't half bad, considering she forfeited her match and let her opponent win. Her sister would most likely give her a mouthful of complaints later, saying she 'told her so' or she 'should've gone all out'.

Regardless, at least she was on the podium; Chizome still had a chance of recognising her that way.

After trailing through the corridors, she met with Todoroki and Bakugo; one significantly more hostile than the other. Despite the fact Mizuki assumed Todoroki was laid back and peaceful, she could always sense him tense when she was around. Either he saw her as a threat or he didn't trust her. Neither were ideal, she couldn't figure out why he felt that way, after all, she had barely spoken to him.

"Right this way you three." Power Loader, the support course teacher, led them towards a podium under the stage. "Unfortunately, your friend Iida couldn't make it, so we'll just have to do the awards ceremony without him." The teacher informed as he directed the three towards their spaces.

Mizuki's was the lowest podium, the least important of the three - so irrelevant that if Iida wasn't absent, she would've had to share it. But before she could set foot near her designated space, someone gripped her arm. Instantly, she knew the culprit.

"You owe me a fight." Bakugo spat, ignoring Mizuki's nonchalant gaze. With his blood still in her system, she could easily overpower him, yet again.

"I gave you a fight, if you recall, you lost." The vampire shot back. "I warned you what would happen if you did that and you went along with it anyway. Personally, i think you had it coming."

"Then why the fuck did you let me win?" He continued, his grip on her arm starting to sting a little. "Was it to humiliate me? Show everyone I didn't earn this damn medal? Huh?"

That wasn't her intention at all. If anything, Bakugo was the one who humiliated her, he reinforced the view that she didn't deserve a medal when he awakened the side of her she swore to hide. "You don't get it." She pulled her arm away from him. "Don't touch me again."

The tensions were high amongst the two, both had a lot to say but neither wanted to voice their thoughts, knowing that if they did, then their fight would cease to end. Already feeling inhuman, Mizuki didn't want to ascend into the arena in chains because of a potential fight, she just wanted her brother to notice her as a true hero, Bakugo was ruining that for her.

Ignoring her, Bakugo stepped forwards, gripping her arm again and causing a small explosion to get her attention. "You're such a bitch, you know that?" He insulted, watching the girls eye twitch in annoyance. He had her. "You forfeited just to piss me off. You know pro heroes won't recognise me if all they can think about is you. They won't even see me as a damn winner now."

"My decision had nothing to do with you." Mizuki snapped. "Not everything is about you! I walked out of that ring because if I stayed, then everyone would think I was a bloodsucking monster who couldn't possibly be a hero with a villains quirk. You don't get it because you were born lucky. You've got a flashy quirk and it's practically destined for greatness. Whats more, is that you don't have to prove yourself as a hero rather than a villain." She continued, her voice raising as she went on. "God, your insufferable. I hate it."

Swiftly, she turned away and marched towards the podium. However, the person whom she'd ignored was now enraged, so he resorted to the only method he knew would get him the attention he desired from her - violence. Before she reached the podium, Bakugo stepped forwards, sending a punch in her direction, but just in the nick of time, Mizuki jumped out of the way, causing the boy to simply continue to try and fight her.

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