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"Without further ado, it's time for us to get started

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"Without further ado, it's time for us to get started." Midnight announced, trying to stop the students booing at the students pledges. "The first game is what you call a qualifier. This is where you begin feeling the pain. The first fateful game of the festival." Suddenly, a screen lifted from behind Midnight's stage, on it was a wheel of possibilities circling round faster than the eye could see. "What could it be?" Suddenly, the wheel stopped.

"An obstacle course?" Mizuki tried to imagine what they had in store.

"Tada. All 11 classes will participate in this treacherous contest. The track is 4km around the outside of the stadium. I don't want to restrain anyone, at least in this game. As long as you don't leave the court, you're free to do whatever your heart desires." The teacher explained, getting a little off topic but no one questioned it. "Now then, take your places contestants." She ordered.

"What do you think it's going to be like?" Kirishima asked the girl, who honestly had no clue.

"I'm hoping it's something our quirks are compatible with, for example, I'm great at running. But I have to make sure I don't run out of fuel. You get me?" Mizuki answered him.

"They've got the snack bar open, I'm sure you can just raid that after this round." He reassured. "It'd be pretty bad if you weren't allowed to go all out in something important like this."

"Don't worry, as long as I get through, I'll be satisfied. Winning it would just be a happy bonus."

The two lined up relatively close to the start line, but Mizuki was already having doubts. 11 classes and a tunnel that small was going to be an issue, so she shoved back through the crowd, landing further towards the back with some of the business course students who weren't planning on participating.

The crowd went silent as they awaited the start signal to buzz on the gates. Until suddenly, the green lights started to flicker and an alarm went off, causing the mass amounts of students to flood through the gates. "Begin!"

Mizuki hung behind, waiting to see what would happen. "And we're off to a racing start." Mic began commentating. "Just look at all those future heroes legging it. Wait a second- Mummy Man, isn't that one of your students?" The hero questioned, seeing Mizuki at a standstill while the others were being crushed in the tunnel. "Just what is she doing?"

"She recognised the first obstacle. And now, she's finding her way around it." Aizawa replied as he looked down at the girl who waited for everyone else to get inside the tunnel.

Once she was the only one left outside, she jumped onto the wall of the tunnel to get above those who were stuck. Now, she had the high ground, and a peaceful route out of the tunnel, regardless of her distance behind whoever was in first place, it was worth it to avoid sustaining any minor injuries that her body would subconsciously heal.

"Look at her go." Mic cheered on. "That's Mizuki Akaguro for you, but will she be able to catch up?"

"Yes." The vampire scoffed to no one in particular, continuing her climb and easily making it through the tunnel, but just as she was about to reach the end, a wave of ice surrounded her, encasing her hands and shoes to the wall. "Just what I needed." She remarked, using her enhanced strength to effortlessly smash the ice and jump out of the tunnel.

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