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It was amazing how all it took was a few bullets and the fight was over

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It was amazing how all it took was a few bullets and the fight was over. All of the students had been fighting for their lives, and all Snipe had to do was squeeze a trigger, Mizuki had to get herself one of those, damn. "Sorry everyone, I know we're a bit late, but I got the teachers over here as fast as I could." Nezu explained, the vampire could make him out with her enhanced senses, but Midoriya, who was sprawled across the floor beside her, had no idea what was going on.

"Hey, glow-stick." Mizuki signalled towards him. "What the hell were you thinking? You could've gotten not only yourself, but me killed too. You're lucky I can heal, but it still hurts." She scolded him, grabbing onto her decaying shoulder to try and ease whatever agony was made by movements.

"Glow-stick?" Midoriya wondered.

"Yeah, when you break all of your bones, you glow and become super strong. Kinda like a glow stick." She explained. "But that's not the point. You owe me, big time."

But before she could continue to reprimand her fellow classmate, a deafening shout pulsated through her ears, it was Present Mic, she was familiar with his loudness, but him quirk was a whole new level. After clutching onto her ears and breathing heavily, the teacher finally stopped his attack. Leaving Mizuki feeling like death itself.

"Are you okay?" Midoriya asked her when seeing her in even more pain.

"Just peachy." She rolled her eyes. "Look at me, do I look okay to you? That dumbass just used his quirk and I have sensitive hearing." She complained. "Today is not the day."

"You're going to be oka-" Midoriya tried to reassure, but Mizuki was not in the mood.

"Shut up." She groaned, getting back onto her feet to walk towards the teachers. It was no secret she needed medical help, but she could heal so she wasn't exactly a priority for the teachers. Where as Midoriya and Aizawa were in ruins, both broken and beaten, so she decided that they were probably more important for now.

"Midoriya, Akaguro! Hey!" Kirishima began to sprint towards them.

"Sorry, but I can't get up." Midoriya revealed.

"What? Are you okay?" Kirishima asked, still running towards the two.

"Kirishima wait!" Midoriya tried to stop him, that's when Mizuki felt the ground raise behind her, knocking her forwards and into Kirishima.

"The hell!?" Mizuki yelled, trying to find the culprit.

"For you safety, please stay back young students. Please gather with your classmates at the front gates. Leave the injured to us, we can take care of them." Cementos instructed, only angering the girl more. First, she had to take the fall for Midoriya, then, she got her ear drums tortured by Present Mic, and now, she was almost crushed by Cementos.

"I am injured!" She yelled at the hero again.

"Then if you're able to, make your way to the front gate to receive medical attention. Take care of her young man." The pro rephrased, even though he just said he'd take care of the injured.

"Useless slab of pavement." Mizuki muttered under her breath as she leaned onto Kirishima's shoulder. "My whole shoulder basically got decayed, so can we make this quick?"

"What? And he just let you go? Not manly at all, I'll make up for it, don't worry." Kirishima then scooped her up into his arms as he picked up the pace and ran to Todoroki and Bakugo. "He said for all of us to head to the entrance." He told them while each of the boys gave the girl a judgmental glance.

"I didn't ask for this." Mizuki explained.

"Oh, sorry, do you want met to put you down? Guess I should've asked." Kirishima apologised.

"No, I'm comfortable now. You're not getting rid of me." She leaned back. "I could just fall asleep here, then you'd b stuck with me for a while."

"Didn't you sleep on the bus ride here?" Kirishima asked.

"And throughout registration." Todoroki added.

"She probably slept through lunch as well." Bakugo scoffed.

"Not lunch, it's too important to me." The vampire argued. "But, I did sleep after...and on the bus...and in registration." She listed. "Maybe I spend too much time sleeping?"

"You were pretty awake when saving Midoriya, I didn't think I'd see you use your quirk so instinctively." The half and half user brought up.

"Well, I've been told I'm very energetic once I've eaten properly. So it probably explains my heightened awareness and quick thinking." She suggested, causing Bakugo to scoff. It was likely he knew what she meant, but she didn't want him to tell anyone so she'd confront him later. "But all this healing makes me tired, so it's all for nothing."

"There should be emergency services outside waiting. You'll be fine." Todoroki reassured, but his attempts were futile because he'd given Mizuki another worry.

"Shit." She cursed. "My sisters working today, she'll probably be outside. She's gonna kill me when she realises I let myself get injured." The girl winced, she could only imagine how Okimi would react to her injured stage, but in the other hand, she was healing pretty fast.

"I'm sure she wouldn't kill you." Kirishima stated. "She's your sister, she'll be proud that you saved someone."

"Kirishima, do you know what my favourite flower is?" Mizuki questioned, beginning to become slightly drowsy.


"They're wisterias. And I want you to put them by my grave when that woman buries me." Mizuki joked, sort of.

Eventually, they reached the exit of the USJ and Mizuki didn't even have to use her enhanced senses to see Okimi. The older sister was stood besides who looked to be the lead detective. Her arms were crossed and and her head was tilted, she definitely knew something was off.

"Mizu!" She stormed towards her and the vampire jumped away from Kirishima to talk to her sister. "What happened?" But Okimi knew Mizuki wasn't stupid, and she definitely wasn't weak, so this was probably a self sacrifice if anything.

"My hero costume wasn't equipped properly, you got anything to help?" Mizuki asked, hoping to receive a drop of blood.

"Have you got any food? Maybe even a regular drink will help." The older tried to find alternatives, but she wouldn't find any.

"Nope, I wasn't exactly expecting this to happen." She answered.

"Akaguro, is that your sister?" Kirishima asked and approached the two. "You two have the same eyes, and teeth."

It was part of Okimi's quirk. She had super healing and could also heal the people who's blood she drank. She had 'a heroes quirk' in some ways. "Who's he?" The older sister asked.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima, a friend of Akaguro." He introduced, smiling with his sharp teeth.

"We're friends?" Mizuki asked genuinely, she hadn't officially became friends with Kirishima and she was confused as to what made him want to be hers.

"Yeah, we fought villains together, side by side, that's a friendship forming event." He replied enthusiastically.

"Then yeah, we're friends." Mizuki smiled back, then her vision began to fade. The last thing she saw was Kirishima's worried expression before passing out from her tiredness.

Authors note
This was supposed to be posted sooner but half of the chapter deleted itself. :(
It's fine tho bc I've got another chapter ready.

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