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The internship, all things considered, was going well. Yes, the two may have spent more time fighting each other than actually learning, but Miruko insisted that it was essential for their training. Sure enough, she was right. Mizuki was far less reluctant to use her full power and Monoma was a lot more appreciative of his new teammate, creating the dynamic that the hero had officially hoped for.

So, she eventually had to keep her end of the bargain and allow them to come out on  their first patrol. However, as a top hero, there were many risks - one being the mission in general.

"Repeat the precautions." Miruko demanded, making sure her two interns were aware of the threat ahead.

"Be aware of our surroundings, never let our guard down. And if we see anything out of the ordinary, don't hesitate to tell you." Mizuki was first to answer, sending a mocking glance towards her counterpart, Monoma.

"And..." The rabbit hero beckoned.

"If we see the hero killer, call for backup, don't engage." The boy answered, returning Mizuki's gaze tauntingly.

"Right on." Miruko nodded. "The only reason I let you come to Hosu with me was because I've seen how much the two of you have improved. But there's no way in hell I'm letting you fight the hero killer. The most you two will be doing is watching me and helping the public. No villains just yet."

Despite the obvious dangers ahead, the vampire couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She was desperate to prove herself to Miruko, but that didn't overshadow the need to follow orders and gain her respect. Thus, she nodded her head swiftly.

"What are the chances that we actually run into him?" She questioned as they walked in the city. A few street lights beginning to flicker as they approached the later hours of the day.

"Sadly, we're not the only ones who have been called in. So the chances are slim."

"Sadly?" Monoma muttered in confusion.

"If it's us, then we can guarantee a victory. Nobody else has to get hurt." Miruko bragged, but she had strength to back up her claims.

"I guess." Mizuki added. "But with my sense of smell, I could try and track him? But with the amount of people here, it's probably gonna be difficult." It would have been easier to smell a trail of blood if the food stalls weren't still serving a range of meats and the butchers still chopping.

"Good thing this is a night shift then." Miruko smirked. "These guys will be packed up by midnight, if you're as good as you say, we might have a chance."


As the night began to crawl towards them, Mizuki placed her shades onto her head, finally being able to use her night vision. It was a relief to finally feel in her own element, it was a shame Monoma couldn't fully control her quirk, otherwise she would have passed on the gift.

So far, their patrol had been mediocre, nothing but a few robberies to prevent, each of which Miruko handled while the interns were forced to return lost items or call the police. But there was one incident where Mizuki got some action, when she and Miruko sprinted in a car chase and Mizuki was permitted to slash the back tyres with her claws.

Yet, despite a day of somewhat action, the night held an eerie silence. One that neither of the two newcomers could decipher as troubler or calmness.

"No need to fret." Miruko began, guiding their wandering attention back to her. "It always starts out like this. The moment when day and night villains swap shifts. Something will come up soon." She reassured.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about." Monoma scoffed.

"You do realise that the second we encounter danger, I'll give you my quirk?" Mizuki replied. "We're a team, I'm not just going to leave you quirkless."

"I know." The boy nodded his head, it didn't change the fact he was a little nervous about entrusting his life in the hands of the girl he insulted in his first few days of meeting her.

"Then keep your head in the game. Or do class 1B need 1A to protect them?"

This seemed to rile him enough to stifle whatever fears he had. Class 1B was not inferior, and Mizuki wouldn't leave him for dead, even if they encountered a villain. "As if we'd need help from you losers. I can keep up, even without a quirk."

"Oh, I'm certain, otherwise we would have left you at the base." The vampire added.

"What makes you think it's you who shouldn't have been left behind? You were pretty sloppy last session."

"I think you'll fine that-"

Before she could finish her words, a loud bang echoed throughout Hosu and a scent of familiarity entered Mizuki's system. Something was happening in the centre of the city and it didn't take Miruko long to re-establish control over her interns with immediate orders.

"Phantom Thief, take Dhampir's power." She commanded. "Both of you, keep up." She suddenly jumped towards where the smoke was beginning to rise, leaving her interns to quickly abide and follow her into the disaster.

"Something tells me that this isn't going according to plan." Monoma worried, trying to see if his teammate felt the same way, which she did.

"You can feel it too, right?" Mizuki asked as she focused on the chaos. "The screams, the crashes... the blood."

"A lot of blood." He agreed.

Suddenly, when they finally got close enough to catch a glimpse of the scene, a creature groaned from above them. It's speed almost matched their own, and it's wingspan was big enough to slice them in two if they weren't careful. Monoma may not have known what the creature was, but Mizuki sure did. She recognised its appearance, an exterior brain, discoloured skin and sharp teeth. But what tipped her off most was the smell of its blood - polluted and unclean.

"It's a Nomu."

Authors note - been busy starting college, honestly I wasn't even planning on updating, but I saw a few people leave some comments so here I am.

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