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Mizuki knew that her return to UA would be difficult for everyone, including her. So, she had to fully prepare herself for the difficult journey ahead.

She fitted her uniform on with ease, sliding on her thigh high black socks and tying her combat boots as usual. After she'd fitted on her round shades, the vampire ran a hand through her long dark hair. The bags under her eyes were evidence enough that she'd been stressing, all her nights had been spend tossing and turning in dread of returning to school. Although she was grateful, she couldn't shake her fear.

"You ready to go?" Okimi asked as she handed her a bento box filled with high iron foods.

Mizuki nodded her head. "It's best I just get this over with." She decided, knowing that her friendships would be damaged even more if she prolonged her return. It had only been a week and the only message she'd received was from Monoma - telling her that he was Miruko's favourite and she should go back to the agency for the last few days. Of course, she ignored him.

The two Akaguro's exited their home before walking down the stairs of the apartment. Each of them knew of the struggle that awaited them. "Those reporters know you're going to school today, so they'll be waiting for you outside." Okimi informed her younger sister, trying to give her a brief warning before she faced them.

"If I'm going to be a top-notch hero, then I'll have to deal with the press." The vampire replied optimistically. "This is just training."

As soon as the doors to the apartment building opened, cameras began to flash and reporters approached the siblings with no regard for their personal space. Though, instead of engaging, they both kept their heads held high.

"Mizuki." A woman asked her, shoving a microphone near her face. "Is it true you're going to UA today?" She asked.

Mizuki didn't know why she was asking her that when it was obvious she was wearing her UA uniform. Regardless, she refused to answer.

"Have you made contact with the hero killer yet?" Another asked.

"Was he working with the League of Villains?"

The two sisters continued to walk, not speaking or even acknowledging the people surrounding them. It felt like forever until they finally reached Okimi's car and found some sanctuary away from reporters, even if the only thing separating them was glass.

"You okay?" Okimi wondered.

"Yeah." Mizuki frowned, it wasn't the entire truth. "You?"

"I'm good." The eldest turned the keys and started up the car, which eventually caused to reporters to move aside. "The UA gates will be the same, won't they?" She wondered.

"Probably, I'll just have to walk through them." Mizuki checked her phone, still no notifications from her friends. However, there was a list of people requesting to follow her on various social media platforms, she was glad she had private accounts.

The car ride was quieter than she'd expected, and a lot shorter than she'd hoped. Within no time, the large beckoning gates of UA were in sight, along with a bunch of reporters crowding them as usual. Despite being happy to be at UA, the reporters were ruining her return.

Okimi pulled over at the other side of the road and gave Mizuki a look of reassurance. "You've got this." Okimi smiled warmly, even though her words were insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

"I hope so." Mizuki replied as she sorted out her earphones and slotted them into place. Waving goodbye one last time, the vampire put her music on blast and exited the vehicle.

Camera flashes were all she could see, it was a good thing she had her shades on because her quirk made her eyes sensitive.

"Mizuki Akaguro, what do you think about the hero killer?"

Ignoring the reporter, she dodged around the microphone and continued into the deep crowd of press. Although their questions were triggering, Mizuki could ignore them until someone grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him harshly.

"Why are you avoiding questions? Do you have something to hide?" The man yelled, making a few other reporters agree with him.

Mizuki was put in a dangerous zone. She was faced with a choice, tell them to let her go, which they would deny, or answer them. Either way, it was a losing game.

"Sir, could you please let go, I have to get to class." She politely asked him, despite wanting the break his hand just for grabbing her.

The reporter looked shocked that she'd finally acknowledged him, making him neglect her answer and pry for the ones he desired. "Did you know Chizome was the Hero Killer?" He continued regardless of her protests.

"Sir this is illegal, you need to let go." The vampire persisted, gently tugging her wrist while his hand kept a firm grip on her.

"Is it true that Chizome caused the fire that killed your parents?"

That did it. That was the trigger that Mizuki knew she couldn't simply ignore. How dare they mention her parents. How dare they imply Chizome killed them. If it wasn't for another student passing by, she would have slapped the reporter right then and there.

"Teeth." Someone stepped in, distracting her and saving the reporter. "Class is about to start, stop wasting time." Mizuki raised her hand, which still had to man's attached to it firmly, he just wouldn't give up.

"I was trying to." She returned in an angry tone.

Her saviour glared at the reporter, who flinched in response. "Just answer one question, it'll only take a second."

"If I remember right, it's assault for you to grab a teenage girl like that." He said and the man quickly released Mizuki's wrist.

Relieved, the girl got out of that environment as quickly as she could, slowing down once she was on campus. The person who saved her didn't stop glaring, regardless if he'd just saved her. Their red eyes both locked onto each other until he finally caught up.

"Bakugo, you didn't have to do that." She stated, feeling annoyed that he'd came to her rescue.

"Knowing you, you would have lost your temper if I hadn't stepped in." Bakugo scoffed.

"You got that right." The vampire agreed while she walked by his side to class. "They're parked outside my house too, I just can't catch a break." She looked over to him, his eyes still glued ahead and ignoring her. "Thanks by the way." She continued, glad to have any sort of interaction since her brief quarantine with her sister. "I know we didn't exactly leave things on good terms so I appreciate it."

Bakugo shook his head. "I haven't forgotten about our battle." He sounded angry, Mizuki knew he wouldn't give up the grudge he held. "If we're going to have a real fight, then you can't get kicked out of UA."

Mizuki was taken back by his words, but she should have known he would think that way, he always put fighting first. "So, you don't care that my brothers a murderer?" She wondered.

"Not my problem." He shrugged. "Can't say the same for everyone else though."

"Have you heard from Kirishima?" Mizuki asked, out of the whole school, she was probably closest to the red haired boy. However, after what happened, she didn't know what to expect. "Has he said anything about me?"

"Why would I hear from a loser like him?" Bakugo shut down, trying to avoid the topic at hand for reasons he couldn't let Mizuki know. Over the internships, everyone had heard about the incident with Mizuki and her brother, hence, they did what any normal teenager would do - gossip. A new group chat was made without Mizuki, where the others discussed what they believed and how they should react to her. It wasn't anything good, so he hadn't messaged in it at all. However he stayed in it to monitor the changes.

"Aren't you his friend?" Mizuki questioned, irritated by how rude he was being about someone she saw as her friend. "No need to call him a loser."

As the two approached the classroom door, Bakugo stopped. He needed to warm her about the dangers ahead, especially after she'd expressed how much she hated the change.

"He's weak." He informed her, confusing the vampire. "All of them are. So whatever happens, just remember that they're too weak to know any better."

He was about to enter the classroom, but Mizuki abruptly stopped him by grabbing his arm. "What are you trying to say?"

"You'll see soon enough."

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