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The first night at the agency had taken Mizuki a while to get used to. Yes, she was tired, however the agency was wide awake all night. Sidekicks left and entered the buildings, preparing for night shifts and whatnot, which she should have expected as Miruko had an agency full of capable sidekicks.

Eventually, her alarm signalled before she was given the opportunity to fully get her sleep - meaning she was in store for an exhausting day. After along and exaggerated groan, she dragged her feet out of bed and towards the shower, waking up to cold water. It was refreshing despite being a shock on her skin. Then, she opened her hero costume case and placed on her suit, ditching her support bag because it was useless without the vials of blood in. Finally, she was ready.

As soon as she opened her rooms door, she was met with a wave of different smells. Bacon, eggs, sausage - it was enough to make her mouth water. So, she followed her nose towards a cafeteria area, where chefs stood behind counters and pro heroes sat eagerly at tables. Likely awaiting the delicious smells to make their way onto plates.

"Wow." She muttered in amazement, not knowing where to go from there. It was like the first day of UA all over again. Who to sit beside? What to say? Surely the pro's wouldn't want to sit next to an amateur, hungry school girl.

"You 1A scum really don't have any common sense." Monoma interrupted her marvelling, reverting her back to the reality that this opportunity was shared.

"Damn, I was hoping you would have been kicked out by now." The girl scoffed as she watched the boys cocky expression change.

"Actually, Miruko said she was impressed by my work at the festival." He tried to reason.

"Give it time, I'm sure she'll come to her senses." Mizuki took a stride forwards locating the ideal seat for her at the edge of the table, a few spaces separating her and the heroes ; well, it would've been even more ideal, if Monoma sat at the other end at the table. Despite her irritation, bad company was better than no company, so she endured his presence.

After getting up and taking some food, the two retreated back to their seats, one with significantly more food than the other, but for good reason. "I'd it because of your quirk?" Monoma wondered, glancing at her tray and back towards her.

"Huh?" She questioned.

"I'm guessing your food intake is bigger than mine because of your quirk." He theorised. "On the train, you said it was draining, so this must be how you stock up on energy."

"Yeah, that's right." Mizuki agreed hesitantly, not enjoying the fact he had already caught onto some of the things she hated about her quirk. "What about it?"

"So, really, all you had to do to win your fights was raid the buffet a few times?" He mocked. "While the rest of us had to actually train to win."

Instead of answering him, Mizuki rolled her eyes. She'd actually only been to the buffet once, and it had barely helped her - the only thing that genuinely gave her an advantage was the drop of blood she'd ingested. Not that Monoma would understood the hunger, though.

"Alright sparks." Miruko wrapped her arms around the twos shoulders, summing up their lunch and scaring the two slightly. For a hero who's main attack was powerful kicks, she was light on her feet. "You two ready for your first training session?"

"Hell yeah." Mizuki smiled, forgetting all about Monoma and her quirk while she talked to her favourite hero.

"Don't get too excited, you're about to be upstaged." The other student commented.

"As if I'm going to let a side character upstage me." The vampire shut down. "But, you can sure as hell try."

Both students seemed to appreciate the challenge, though neither made their delight evident, leaving the rabbit hero to assume she'd invited the most incompatible future heroes to become a team. "Well, lets talk each other through quirks." Miruko decided. "Strengths and weaknesses, Monoma first."

"My quirk is called copy. Basically, I can copy the quirk of anyone I touch but I can only use one at a time. The duration of the quirk is five minutes." He explained briefly, hoping for his turn to be over with.

"So, you can copy All Mights quirk?" Mizuki wondered.

"Theoretically - yes. But if my body isn't capable of it then it could be harmful." He answered, making Mizuki wonder what else he was capable of.

"And Akaguro, I'm guessing yours is vampire, but what exactly does that involve?" Miruko wondered.

"Enhanced abilities is an easy way to sum it up. Strength, sight, speed - ever single part of me is more powerful." The girl slightly bragged, but of course, she was instructed to list her weaknesses too. "But, in order to reach my maximum capabilities, I have to consume human blood. If I don't, then I get exhausted too quickly, and sometimes fear that I may lose my composure." She revealed, hoping not to be judged too quickly by her favourite hero.

Miruko didn't reply straight after. At first, she waited a little, filling the tension and likely thinking of a course of action. The hero knew who she was working with - an arrogant snob and a idealist vampire - the only way to combat their weaknesses was to rip them out at the roots.

"Looks like I have your first assignment." Miruko decided. "You two need to learn to get along, as well as understand one another. Suit up, you two are going to fight."

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