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Things weren't going to change, she began to realise that as she hid behind the dark circular glasses that minimally concealed her identity. People would still stare, people would still grimace when they heard her surname, people would continue to hold onto their prejudice, no matter how heroic she tried to be. The reality of her situation was harsh, Mizuki recognised that.

"So?" Okimi wondered, figuring she'd waited long enough to ask her sister about her day. "Were they as shitty as expected?"

"If not more." Mizuki scoffed. It was difficult knowing that she only had three or four people who tolerated her - 2 boys who weren't even in her class, an overly blunt hero in the making, and a blond with anger issues. A very dismal line up though she supposed it was better than nothing. "I was stopped from participating in a training exercise because students felt threatened."

Okimi's face contorted with a similar sense of disgust as Mizuki. "Seriously?" The woman seemed genuinely shocked, hoping this was Mizuki's way of resorting to dry humour. However, when the teenager nodded, Okimi realised just how rough her sister had it. "And those bastards call themselves heroes? Those idiots are supposed to be trained to face murderers, psychopaths - and they're scared of a teenage girl?" She scoffed. "You're not even tht threatening! I mean- just look at you." She gestured towards Mizuki as a whole, making the girl quirk a brow.


"You're short, you're lazy, you care more about food than fights - just to list a few." The eldest trailed on, a hint of playfulness in her tone, almost as if she was teasing her sister.

Unimpressed, Mizuki rolled her eyes. "5'5" isn't short." She muttered. "And it's not exactly my fault I'm always hungry and tired, that's just a sacrifice I have to make to stop myself from sinking my fangs into someone." A harsh reality, but a philosophy that Mizuki was determined to abide by. She refused to drink human blood unless necessary, despite Miruko's training and confidence building, the events involving Stain made it crucial that she didn't slip up. One wrong move would dwindle her future, ruin her already tainted reputation.

"Yeah, don't get me wrong, that's noble and all. But, still - you're making yourself weaker just to make your classmates feel empowered. Do you really think that's good for you? Your future?" Okimi argued, she had a right to be concerned for Mizuki's future because it was hers too. A hero's family didn't escape the press or stress of their lifestyle.

"I don't have a choice." She sighed. "Maybe before Chizome was discovered, I could've gotten away with using my quirk fully. But now, I just can't afford to." There was a brief silence before Mizuki decided to make her way to her room, deciding that there was no point in arguing over something she refused to concede to.

Authors note :
Teeny-tiny, but luckily it's a double update so it's allowed.

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