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She'd given up trying to talk to Iida after he'd insulted Chizome. Mizuki could take it when he blamed her for his disappearance, she knew how it felt to lose someone and sometimes blame was part of healing- but blaming her brother was out of the question. So, she kept her distance, trying to clear her head and not fall down the rabbit hole that was his disappearance.

For now, her focus lay on one key irritant. Neito Monoma.

"Isn't it strange that the third place and someone who didn't even qualify for the final round are interning with the same pro hero? Number 5 at that." The boy taunted annoyingly, his tone matched the mocking smirk he was displaying.

"Maybe Miruko gave you an offer out of pity? I remember you being totalled in the cavalry battle." Mizuki retorted, already sick of her new teammate for the next week.

Much to her dismay, Miruko had made another offer during the festival, that being Monoma. She wouldn't have cared as much if it were anyone else, but the boy had managed to belittle her class in every way, not faltering when it came to bragging about 1B instead. It was safe to say, the train ride to the agency would be such a drag.

"Didn't you get awarded your medal in handcuffs?"

"Didn't your whole class fail at even making it to the second round of the finals?"

"Didn't you drink your own friends blood during your match?"

Their bickering was endless, when all Mizuki wanted of so was sleep, but she knew Monoma wouldn't wake her up when they reached their destination. So, she endured the insults and decided to sleep when she arrived at the agency - not that she had much choice, Monoma's voice was the antithesis of soothing.

"Do you ever stop talking?" The vampire buried her head in her hands, cradling her ears.

"Tired of hearing the truth?"

"No, I'm tired. Full-stop." She countered. "My quirk can be draining."

"Ironic for a vampire." Monoma scoffed, leaning back in his chair in victory, until his voice took a softer tone. "But, I accept your incompetence, I'm tired of talking to you anyway."

In a way, Mizuki was impressed that her teammate knew his cues. Even though he seemed self righteous and ignorant as to when to stop talking, he was different when away from his class - almost as if he mainly insulted 1A to gain his own class' respect. Which he certainly didn't need. Mizuki still wasn't fond of the entirety of 1B - specifically Ibara Shiozaki.

The silence of the ride was relieving, even if it was only for a few minutes before they exited the train and reached the agency, but - soon enough - they made it to Miruko's agency and were free to leave the train.

Being in the top ten definitely gave Miruko a few privileges, in particular her agency building. It looked as though it could have been a warehouse, more wide than it was tall and based on the ground, which was probably best for the hero work she did. Outside also looked aesthetically pleasing, it had a few flower pots along with grass in a garden space, there were a few trees around, but not enough to clarify it as a forest or woodland.

But, best of all was the entrance. Glass doors captivated the sunlight, proving to be a struggle to open for weaker employees. Since Miruko's main focus was strength, she made it mandatory to be strong to enter her agency, thus the doors were quick work for the vampire, though she did feel tempted to let them close on Monoma.

"Well, if it isn't my two favourite U.A. students." The rabbit hero emerged towards them, instantly greeting them with a toothy grin.

The room around them was so bright, that Mizuki had to put on her sunglasses to properly see the hero.

"Miruko." The vampire smiled, clearly more excited than Monoma - who simply watched the interaction uninterested. "You're my favourite hero, ever since the wasp villain, I've been following your work." Mizuki marvelled.

"Wow, looks like you have a good taste in heroes." Miruko complimented cockily. "But, that's not why I chose you two." She revealed, making Mizuki listen more intently, even Monoma was interested in why he'd been chosen. "I saw a spark in the two of you. Neito Monoma, you had a strategy in place to destroy your rival class, and it could have worked if you had the proper training. I was impressed." She complimented, favouring the more villainous side that other pros were scared of.

"You don't think it was evil?" Monoma questioned, repeating the phrase some of his classmates had previously voiced to him - taking whatever moral high ground they could.

"Oh, it was cruel." She agreed. "But sometimes, a hero can't always be a Goody Two-Shoes. We are allowed to strategise and think of the most favourable outcome. Stick with me, and you'll be able to execute your plans better." Miruko convinced and for once, Monoma was at a loss for words.

"Wow, someone finally took the words right from your mouth." Mizuki taunted. "I could get used to this."

"Why, you-" Monoma was about to retort, but Mizuki was saved by the rabbit hero.

"And Mizuki Akaguro - the girl afraid of her own quirk." She began. "Don't get me wrong, you're strong, agile and tactical. In fact, I think you could have won the festival if you didn't walk out of the fight."

"But I did walk out of the fight, and I don't think I regret it." The vampire interrupted. She doubted that she'd ever regret walking away, because she knew it would happen from the start. Using her full power meant that the world would see her as a monster and a villain all over again, she couldn't bear it.

"I'm not saying you should regret it. I'm saying you should learn from it. Embrace what you did and overcome that irrational fear of your own quirk." The pro encouraged. "I want to be the one to teach you how to do that. To teach both of you. The world may find your methods scary, and even villainous. However, as long as you know you're doing the right thing, none of that should matter. Am I clear?"


"Clear as day."

The pro hero flashed her teach once again, crossing her arms in a victorious manner. She was going to create the worlds most feared heroes, the worlds greatest, the worlds best - all she had to do was help them grow. There was another reason she'd chosen the two, that being she saw the similarities between them and a potential duo. With Monoma's plans and Akaguro's strategies, the two would be unstoppable.

"Well, let's get to work. We only have a week to turn your spark into a wildfire."

Authors note

I saw someone vote that she and Monoma end up together. I don't think I'm going to have them romance, but I think they could have a good friendship

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