Chapter 21

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I was placing breakfast on the table when Alessio walked in. My entire stance became rigid, my entire cells loathing his mere existence when he passed by me and sat on the head seat, "Where's Rita?"

"Last I remember, you loved sleeping with her, so I don't usually keep tabs of your mistresses. You should know that better."

His chair screeched when within a matter of milliseconds, he was right in front of me, his veiny hands wrapped around my throat as he looked at me and fumed, "Behave your fucking self or-"

"Or what? What will you do? Hit me? Insult me? Take me against my will?"

He tightened his hold around my neck, "That was once-"

"Easy for you to say, you aren't the one who is still in trauma thinking about that day."

He released my throat and looked at me with anger wafting within his eyes, "You think only your life is sad and depressing as shit?"

I stepped closer to him and lifted my hands to do the unthinkable. I worked my ways through one of his buttons of his shirt and finally managed to open it. My heart was hammering wildly against my chest when Alessio's eyebrows rose. I could practically hear his heartbeat from within there, or was it mine? I had absolutely no idea. I picked up a sharp knife and placed the blade on his chest when lifting my gaze up to him, I nodded, "Yes."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me flush into his chest when I immediately pointed the blade upwards, so as to not cross his skin. My body was pressed into his and his face was quite close to mine when his hands moved behind me. Dread filled my chest because the memories of first night came crashing into me. I thought he misunderstood my actions and was about to slip his fingers inside me again when something else happened.

I felt a sharp blade against my back.

My breathing hitched when he pressed the blade into my back, but not deep enough to cause a cut, "Well then let me remind you, your life isn't the only one at-"

"I don't care about others, Mr. Antoniansaz. I left caring a long time ago."

He pulled me closer and pressed the blade deeper when I placed the side of my blade next to his neck. He whispered "Stay in your bloody limits-"

"Too late."

He chuckled, "Trust me, it's not too late, I know how to train bratty bitches and-"

"Rita should be the first one then. I heard you kill your prostitutes after fucking them." I brought my face closer to him and stood on my tiptoes, deliberately trying to make his angry, "Does she feel that good around you for you to keep her in your bed for days?"

He wrapped his hand around my throat and slammed me into a wall behind, anger spiralling in his eyebrows, "Shut the fuck up, Avelina. Rita and I have never had sex and-"

"But she will be such a good submissive as she agrees to whatever you-" and Alessio slammed his hand right next to my face, against the wall when I flinched. He pulled my hair and brought my head closer, "Stop. Fucking. Testing me, Avelina. I wouldn't spare you."

"When did you-"

The door opened when Rita came inside. She looked at us and her expressions changed when a small smirk was decipherable on her face, making me more mad that being a woman, she wasn't ready to save a woman.

Alessio cut his glance my way, and left my hair, backing away when I smiled at Rita, "I hope you please your boss just like he likes." I turned my head towards Alessio to see him fuming. Rita spoke, "Yes, I do whatever he asks me to do as that is what loyal-"

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