10.) Missing Piece

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Troyes POV

" But I Love you." I said honestly.

" I love you too." He whispered for a reason that I wasn't sure of.  I was still in shock from him admitting his feelings. It's like I've waited my whole life to hear those words, when I have heard them before. It just seemed right now.

" Then what are we waiting for?" I said gently grasping his jaw with my fingertips. When he pulled away and stepped back I was introduced to a familiar sadness.

" A miracle." Tyler said tears growing in his eyes. I don't understand why he is crying when I'm technically throwing myself at him. If he loves me too, why are we waiting for a miracle. The miracle itself is loving each other even after all we have been through. Whats the problem? Am I not good enough? Did I do something wrong?

" What Miracle Tyler. I want you and I understand that you don't want me but why?" I questioned out loud this time.

" Troye there is nothing more that I want other then you. I want you so bad. But I simply can't."

I took a deep breath and continued staring at him, trying to figure out his answer. Nothing seemed to come up though.

" Why?" Was all that came out of my mouth. I couldn't really say anything else though. It's his decision if he doesn't want me.

" Because it's not what you want. I'm not what you want. He is what you want." His voice was shaky between sentences. Sudden anger filled me.

" I'm telling you I want you. That's what I've been saying. I'm here with you, not him. What does that tell you?" I hissed.

" You wanted him more than me at one point. It must have been behind good reasoning."

" I was stupid and I didn't know what I was doing. But I do know and here I am." I answered.

Instead of replying he simply shook his head and looked at the floor. I wouldn't drop my gaze though. He had to understand that I wasn't backing down. He needed me just as much as I needed him.

" Goodbye Troye." He said suddenly holding his arm out toward the door. I furrowed my eyebrows at him before realizing he wasn't joking.

" You are deciding this not me. If I leave here Tyler I'm not coming back. This is the end."

The tears falling down his face showed me how unsure he really was. All I wanted to hear was 'stay' and I'll never leave his side. But unfortunately that wasn't the word that left his mouth.

" Goodbye."

Slowly but surely I left his hotel room with water running down my face and my heart hurting from heart break.

I understand now that all he was trying to do was make it easier on me by running. Also by not hurting Connor.

Happy endings weren't possible. I hurt Tyler, Connor and myself. It would be in human to continue on with Connor when my heart belonged to someone else. If I even had a heart left. Didn't really seem like it, considering I could have swore I heard it shatter.

Even though I had to tell Connor about tonight and my feelings, I was still worrying about Tyler. That not only makes me a bad person but it also makes me a whore. I had two men that I loved, and I judged cheaters. Congratulations Troye, you really stepped up to what celebrities are known to be.

" I'm a slut." I said aloud. I fell on the bed and began sobbing once again.

" You are not Troye." A voice appeared from next to me. I already knew who it belonged to, and I might just throw up.

" Connor yes I am. I'm sorry for hurting you."

" How did you hurt me?" He asked laying next to me. He rubbed circles along my back and I couldn't help smile at his kind gestures.

" I got in a relationship with you while I was still in love with someone else." I refused to look his way. I didn't want to see his face.

" I know. It's not your fault. You can't control your feelings and I knew damn well you guys had chemistry and ignored it." He admitted.

" You don't hate me?" I asked looking up to meet his eyes. His smile made me relax and I was so thankful for having this boy in my life.

" Not at all. Your my bestfriend and even though this relationship didn't work, I want you to be happy. And if that's with Tyler then I couldn't possibly be upset." Connor announced. I pulled him into a tight hug.

" Well I don't think their is gonna be a Tyler and I." I began. He gave a confused expression before I let him in on what happened that night.

He already knew about the past so thankfully he was up to speed with that. I went through every detail like he asked so he could help. I felt bad at first but he kept asking me to continue so I did and he didn't show any signs of disinterest.

Sometimes I wish i fell in love with Con because it could have been so much easier. These problems wouldn't have occurred and I could be happy. His personality was much like mine which was why we bonded so easily.

Maybe that's why it didn't work. You can't really have two of the same. Another person that holds the characteristics that you can't uphold is what completes you. And Tyler has everything I didn't. We connected in a way where I can talk with him for hours and never get bored. Truly Tyler was my missing piece. I just needed to find a way to put us together again.

And I think I have a plan.

Goodbye Troyler // EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now