7.) Reunited

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Tyler's POV

It's been months since the day that Troye came over and everything seemed to turn to hell.

That day was the worst day of my life. No matter how much I wanted Troye to be mine, I couldn't handle the thought of him being unhappy. He needed Connor. And Connor needed him. They were meant for each other and everyone could see that, well except me.

Seeing Troye cry only made me feel worse. I was the cause of his eyes watering and the cause of the pain he felt. I was the cause and that is something I will remember for the rest of my life.


The sound of the door shutting had my body falling to the ground and my body struggling for air.

   I felt numb and my mind was on nothing but reliving the past hour. I wasn't sure about a lot of things but I was certain of two things. One being that I was completely and insanely In love with that boy. And two I had to forget.

I was surrounded by water when I decided to force myself off the floor and into the bedroom. I didn't really care about my appearance or anything at the moment, except Troyes happiness. I needed to make a effort of doing what I said I was going to. Forgetting about Troye. I knew that it wasn't gonna happen, but I couldn't not try.

I had to do it. For their happiness.

End of flashback--

Today I was in New York City for the 10 year anniversary of YouTube and I was very aware of who I was gonna be seeing.

I still have the pain every time I see a picture or a mention of Troye. It feels as if a piece is missing that will never heal. And I wasn't gonna let it.

Having that missing piece was a reminder of a time that I was in love. It reminded me that Troye was in fact a moment in my life when I was never  happier. I wouldn't change it for anything.

I was walking down the street with Hannah and Grace when I saw him. His curly fringe sticking from under his hood. He was taking a selfie with a fan and I wanted nothing more then to run the other way. But when Hannah started screaming his name I had no other chance then to continue walking toward the boy that I was still utterly in love with.

"TROYE!" Hannah screamed hitting my side waiting for me to jump for joy at seeming him. Nobody really knew what happened between us, considering I refused to speak of it.

She gave me a look of confusion before she started running at Troye to give him a hug. Grace went as well and I took my time walking forward.

After they both hugged him, Troyes eyes met mine and I couldn't help but feel a extreme amount of pain. I gave a not so believable smile at him and was soon right in front of him. He returned it and pulled me into the comforting hug.

" I missed you Tilly!" He whispered in my ear.

" I missed you too Troye." I said breathlessly as I realized tears were forming in my eyes. Keep it together Tyler, you need to do this for him.

A voice in the background was a fan who was singing something about Troyler Reuniting and feeling good. We released each others grips and a giggle came from the boy next to me.

I began to walk away with Hannah and Grace when I realized a boy was jogging to catch up to us. He ran up so he was right beside me and was panting. I glanced over and laughed at him. He rolled his eyes, giving a slight push at my shoulder.

" How are you?" I asked the breathless boy beside me.

" I'm alright I think. My throat hurts a bit but other than that I'm excited to see everyone." Troye proclaimed touching his throat.

" Do you want to go get some Tea for your throat before we go?"

He nodded and smiled at me. I told Hannah and Grace about our plans and decided to just head to the hotel.

We went to a little coffee shop that had Green Tea. Troye drank it before we were even back at the hotel. We had little conversations that were kinda tense on my part mainly because of my hidden affection for him.

We walked into the Elevator and were laughing about something that he said to a women on the plane who was hitting on him.

" I've missed you a lot Ty. Do you think we could ever be like we used to?" He claimed pressing the button to his floor.

" I'm not sure. The fans will probably get a little to much." I explained leaning against the wall.

" I don't care anymore. I'm so tired of this, all I want is to be able to hangout with my friends without thinking we are dating." He exploded. He took a deep breath in before continuing. " I know that they are not trying to make me uncomfortable but it's just sometimes taken to far."

The sound of the ding was the arrival of my floor. " don't let it get to you Troye." I said waving goodbye before leaving his sight and was finally able to breath.

I fell into my hotel room and started to cry. How could someone be so addicting. How could the memories from the years mean nothing? But I guess that's what I wanted. And he's happy, so it doesn't matter what I think.

I laid in bed that night thinking about how possibly I could survive these days with him here without having a breakdown.

Authors note: Idk how this is but yeah. Like I said before this is just made up in my head and I know nothing about what is really happening.

Anyways I hope you liked it. I will try to update as soon as possible for both fan fictions.

Thankyou for reading lots of love.

Ps. Happy 1 year Troyler Kiss anniversary.

Goodbye Troyler // EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now