21.) Met At The Wedding

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Tyler's POV

" You coming Tyler?" I heard Korey yell from my living room. Tonight was the day I was gonna forget. Forget about the hurt.

" Yeah." I replied glancing at myself one last time. I went for a change by wearing a white button down with a blue speckled tie, and black pants of course. My hair was styled in my brown quiff. Such a neutral color, compared to the wish of it being pink.

" Alright go change." Korey said simply. I stared at him and down at my outfit. It seemed alright to me, I didn't get what the problem was. He continued, " you can't look better then me. It's not fair."

Rolling my eyes, I shoved him playfully before collecting my keys and strutting out the door. Was it wrong that a wished a certain boy was holding my hand and giving me his famous smile. Yeah, it defiantly was wrong.


It's hard to forget about love when you are going to a wedding. So before getting a drink in my hand I thought about Troye. And what he was probably doing right now. Would he be writing music, creating his career? I wish everyone could hear his voice, he is truly incredible.

" I will love you even if you don't want me too. I will love you when you tease me. I will love you when your being annoying. Especially then. Because your my soulmate and there isn't another person that I would want to spend my life with.." The man said to his soon to be wife.

Her eyes were bright. " I used to dream about this day. Spending it with the love of my life. But nothing could compare to the happiness I feel right now. This is the start to our beginning Mr. Sir. I love you and will until death do us part. Even after that. Because you can't get rid of me. We are soulmates."

After that they said I do And kissed. Securing their marriage. It was sweet and and simple. Now it's time to drink away my worries.


Drinking is my escape. A whiskey drink and my hand held above my head as I danced, gave off my perfect vibe. For once I forgot about all my worries and just happily danced like nobody was watching. Except everyone was, and that's okay.

A boy from across the room grinned in my direction. He had tanned skin that looked perfect with his darker hair. He had A smile that one awards for sexiest in the nation And His jaw line could cut glass. I suddenly wished I was glass. Because even though he was heading my way.. I wished he wasn't.

" You must be Tyler Oakley?" His soft voice said. I nodded but continued dancing. Just turn and ignore him Tyler, I said to myself.

" I had to speak to the talk of the event." He spoke again.

" That's funny considering that I'm pretty sure the bride and groom are the talk of the event." I said simply shooting him a look that I thought justified I wasn't into him. Even though my physical side was, my emotional side was clearly not.

Let's just say the man didn't get my drift as he continued speaking.. " but your all I've thought about since I heard about you coming tonight. I'm a fan, Mr. Oakley."

I bit my lip as he whispered into my ear. Maybe I just needed to do this. Troye had Connor again, didn't I have a right to be happy? It's one night, it's not like I'm gonna date this guy.

" Is that so?" I smiled up at him and our eyes connected. He had very nice eyes. But not as nice as- no. I'm not gonna think about Troye.

" I'd be honored to know you." I shivered at the intensity of his voice. He made the hairs on my neck rise as his warm breath hit my skin. But he didn't numb my skin. Nobody could do that, except for Troye. " Wanna get a pizza. I promise I won't steal your hair product."

So he has watched my videos. His pearly white teeth made my heart go silent.

" Yeah." I said before grabbing my jacket and exciting with the man leading me into the taxi.


" My names Zachary. You can call me Zac."

I stared out the window as he spoke to me. With each minute we seemed to get closer and closer to more nicer apartments. We were in downtown LA, so if he had a apartment around here, that meant he had money.

" And you already know me.." This wasn't that bad after all. It's not like this Zac guy wasn't attractive. " So Zac what do you do."

" I'm a Architect. But I like to draw. Not just buildings."

I found out that he really did enjoy drawing and he was completely amazing. The way that he brought life to his sketches, was incredible. He drew things from people, to animals, to scenery. Everything he did shined in a amazing light.

" Can I draw you?"

Laughing at his question I realized he was serious.

" Your serious?" I said more to myself then him.

" Completely. I like to capture beauty Tyler."

My face probably exploded red. Blushing was something that happened often. Usually while flirting. Or when people would ask about a person I secretly had a crush on. That happened a lot with Troye.

" Okay.. listen. I didn't sign up for the cheesy remarks."

Honestly I was having a pretty good time.

" It's part of the package. Like you say in your videos.. I can give you the hookup."

My mouth was left astray and I couldn't help but giggle at his joke. He reminded me a bit of Ben. J. Pierce. By making all the Tyler Oakley puns.

" I'd like that." I said without realizing it left my mouth.

" This isn't just a one night stand Tyler. I really would love to get to know you." His lips formed into a smile.

" Then get to know me you will. But don't you have drawing to start on?"


Goodbye Troyler // EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now