27.) Disney

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Tylers POV

When I was a child I had this fantasy on finding romance. Every detail was set in mind. It ended up being useless. Because nothing could have prepared me for this.


"Where are we going Troye." I asked for what seemed like the 100th time. Again he rolled his eyes and turned up the music. He could be such a little bitch sometimes. In a weird way, I loved it. Soon enough I figured it out myself. The shit was taking me to my favorite place on earth. Disneyland.

His smirk confirmed I was right, when I had asked him if thats where we were going. It didn't make sense why though, considering just a couple months ago we had gone together. But I wasn't gonna dwell on it, a trip to Disney was nothing to complain about.

When we bought the tickets and walked ourselves through the gates of the happiest place in the world something seemed off. I couldn't quite place it but Troye seemed a little too happy, and a little to nervous.

" Troye Babe? What's wrong?" He intertwined our hands and kissed me on my forehead.

" Nothing. just a bit nervous and shaky about my new album coming out. That's why I wanted to come here, to get my mind off things and spend the day with my gorgeous, amazing perfect-"

" Alright what do you want. Your sucking up." I laughed.

The album made sense. He had worked his hardest this past couple of months to get his 3rd album out. Ending in headaches and always spending his time in the studio. Lonely for me, probably exhausting for him.

" To get you a pickle." He said raising his eye brow at the corner store.

You better believe I grabbed his hand and rushed over, making the whole trip worth while.


Considering that both our careers were skyrocketing at the seams, we had plenty of fans come and take pictures with us. Half the day had been used taking pictures with fans, which was always a pleasure. It made me happy when Troyes fans explained how much his music meant to them, the smile on his face growing by the second. I didn't think this day could possibly get better.

We went to California Adventurous for the start of the day. Excited to hit more of the scarier, or age appropriate rides.

The first ride we hit was Tower of Terror. My least favorite of the rides there. Don't get me wrong, I was a fan of roller coasters just not the tied down, dropping feeling.

Troye refused to go on the California Scream-in at first. He was terrified of the flip that was the biggest part of the ride. Soon enough, I talked him into it though.

The assistants strapped us in and Troye looked like he was about to die. " Troye we don't have to.."

" Shutup." He said simply with a flat face. He grabbed my hand and closed his eyes as the rollercoaster started to move. Just before it shot off, he glanced at me and mouthed the words.." I hate you."

" You love me." Were the last words that were spoken before my flat hair had been made into a quiff like it once used to be. Troye was flat out showing my favorite of his smiles. The screams turned into silent laughs and hands in the air..Even when the flip had come and gone. By the end he was laughing so hard tears dropped from his eyes.

We stumbled over to the pictures with intertwined fingers and giggles escaping our throats. It was one of the cutest pictures ever taken in my opinion. Troyes head was thrown back, mouth wide open in mid laugh and I was staring at him with such fascination. I would give up my whole world to just stare at him for the rest of my life.

Troye bought the said picture and posted it on every social media known to man. " wanna go to Disney?" He asked after we bought Cotton Candy.

" Don't even have to ask. Let's go."


For a reason I was unsure of.. Troye begged to go see the princesses. He might be a 24 year old boy, but the child in him showed. It was impossible to say no to him. Even if I tried.

The Princess Center had a line longer then I have ever imagined. But nonetheless we stayed just talking to each other like we always did.

Fans lined up to get pictures and so that nearly took up all the time. I met people that I remembered their @s from so long ago. Back when I was coloring my hair and obsessing over boy bands.

When I was finished I glanced around looking for Troye but he was nowhere to be seen. I called his name once or twice before a Disney assistant came up to me smiling. " Omg your Tyler Oakley." She yelled a lot louder then needed.

" yes hello I actually can't talk right now I'm looking for Troye."

" Oh yes your finance is over here. Come along." She said grabbing my arm not allowing me to reply. I wanted to correct her but decided against it. People will think what they want to think.

She pulled me past the line and into the section that held all the actors. But instead all the princes and princesses had been turned the other way staring at the wall. The only person looking straight ahead was Troye, in a royal tuxedo.

What the fuck was going on.

I stood in absolute confusion as each royal couple turned around being our closest friends.

Grace and Chester had been Aurora and Philip. Mamrie and Korey as Ariel and Eric. Marcus and Niamo as Cinderella and Prince Charming . Zoe and Alfie as Belle and The Beast. Bethany and Connor as Jasmine and Aladdin. And Kat and Joey as Snow White and Prince Charming. Hannah and Ingrid as Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. It's was the most incredible mess I have ever seen.

They all look insanely happy and I was completely un aware of the reason. Was it a youtuber video I forgot about? Something that I forgot about? Or wasn't let in on?

" What's going on?" I asked.

Nobody answered. Troye moved closer to me walking and I could see him shaking so incredibly bad. Never have I witnessed him this nervous. And that's saying something. I just wanted to hold him, tell him it will be okay and he album will be perfect just like it always was.

" Tyler, Tilly.. Your my best friend and my soul mate all in one. The days I spend with you have been nothing less then amazing. And I know that without you by my side id be lost, scared and confused. Your my other half. Together we make a whole. The ler to the troy. " he paused just inches away from me and I couldn't breathe now. He couldn't have been.. Could he?

" I can't imagine my life without you. And there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish to spend the rest of or lives together. I love you so much Tilly. I wish I could explain in words. "

One hand was held over my mouth and the other intertwined with Troyes. He held it so tight that I could almost feel his heartbeat from his hand.

" So I brought you to the happiest place on earth, to make me the happiest man on earth if you would do me the honor of marrying me." Troye finished glancing up with the eyes that haunted me.

From the day that I fucked up to the day that I die.. I would never forgive myself for messing up his color. How could someone possibly miss the prettiest eyes ever seen. They were blue, yes but they were so much more. Looking at his eyes for just a second was like looking in them and seeing heaven. I personally believe they were handcrafted by God himself.

I swallowed down the giant weight in my throat from trying not to cry. The amount of happiness I felt wasn't explainable. Not even John Green could use his author skills of writing the love I felt toward the curly haired boy. It just wasn't possible.

I choked out the words that I always dreamed of saying

" Of fucking course."

Authors Note: Gonna run away and scream at how bad my writing is with this story. It's kinda hard to continue this story when I don't believe in myself. But anyways I can't begin to explain how thankful I am.

I'm writing other fanfictions that I feel so confident about. I hope that if you wanted you could give it a chance when I decide to publish it .

I love you xx

Goodbye Troyler // EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now