26.) He saved me

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Troyes POV

He had been adjusting my tie and adding the few finishing touches, with his teethy grin, and pink cheeks. Seems almost like since he woke up this morning, he had a smile on his face.

Tonight was the night of the Grammys. And oddly enough I had been running for one of the awards. Not expecting to win but happy to nominated. The feeling in my stomach wouldn't go away though. A mix between scared and nervous. Snervous as Tyler would call it.

" Your shaking." His voice filled my ears as he added the the black coat over my button down.

I nodded not able to quite speak yet. And thankfully Tyler pulled me closer to his body and held me just the way I needed him too. Instantly the shaking was gone. I wasn't nervous or scared when I was wrapped in his arms.

" I'm gonna be there. And your gonna be perfect. Just like you always are."


The amount of glances and smiles we got from our bystanders was unexplainable. Grins and cheeky comments were guided toward our connected hands. Usually public display of affection wasn't my favorite, but under the circumstances I needed Tyler's touch. And people were living for it. I thought it was just the troyler shippers that freaked out when anything happened, now it was celebrities as well.

" Such a amazing gift to be sitting next to the couple of the night." Spoke a British voice above my head. There the one and only Sam Smith had been towering over us. His musical talent almost shining from him. He was a amazing musician, and I was starstruck.

" and we get the honor of sitting next to such a incredible voice..Its very nice to meet you." Tyler said saving me from utter embarrassment. Imagine if he wasn't here. I'd be a mess.

" My pleasure. It's amazing how much you do for the Trevor Project and LGTBQ rights. Your an inspiration." Sam admitted and Tyler laughed. But not his cackle which I loved so much. Always teasing him but in reality, it seemed I couldn't fall asleep happy without hearing it.

" thank you so much. That means a lot. By the way, Your voice is impeccable. I always hear Troye singing your songs in the shower. Truly talented."

" Thank you Tyler. And speaking of Troye. Your nominated for Best New Artist. Finally they are figuring out who you are."

I mentally slapped myself making sure I could reply. " it's kinda scary to be sitting next to the person who won it last. Especially with a voice like yours."

His gentle smile calmed me just a bit. Or it might have been Tyler rubbing circles on my hand. Which I was obsessed with.

" You two are so incredibly sweet. How long have you been together?"

" 3 years as best friends. And 8 months of dating."

I glanced at Tyler then, smiling at his comment. It wasn't a lie, I just always loved how he put in the best friend part. Cause that's where we started..as friends. Best friends who were blinded with skinny love. Knowing that they are meant from each other. Just took me awhile to get my head out of my ass. He's my home in human form.

" you guys are the cutest couple I have ever seen and I swear half the population would agree.

The heat radiating off my face was medically questioning. I was stuck in between blushing and nervousness, when Tyler thanked Sam. His comment made my heart dance in circles. Tyler's small hand gripped tighter and when Sam started a conversation with Lorde, Tyler kissed the side of my cheek and whispered in my ear. " I love you."

I was so insanely Lucky to have the boy sitting next to me. I used to dream of this perfect man that would accidentally push me over and it would be love at first sight. Guess I was missing the man who pushed me over purposely and witch cackled his way out of the glare zone. He was nothing I dreamed of. He was so much better.

Goodbye Troyler // EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now