14.)Not so Secret

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Troyes POV

When I woke up wrapped in someone's arms, immediately I thought the arms belonged to Connor. Forgetting about everything that occurred last night.

I tried to push him off me, but a whimper escaped that didn't belong to Connor. It was a familiar whimper that I felt so much happiness from, even though whimpering isn't pleasant.

" Don't leave me Troye, Please." He spoke through drowsiness. I smiled against his chest, and held the smaller boy closer to me.

" I'll never leave you again Tilly. Even if you begged." I admitted and he kissed my forehead. He was quite smaller then me, but when I slept I traveled down the bed a bit and curled into a tight ball, so I was laying further down then him. I'll let him enjoy his tallness while it lasts.

We stayed in each others arms for maybe a hour after before Tyler got up to make breakfast.

Pancakes with Nutella was his speciality and I was more than thankful to be having them once again.

To be truly honest, Connors a healthy guy so when I stayed over we usually had something healthier which is nice but not my forte. I craved the food Tyler and I either got, or made. I was happier that way.

" Troye-Boy it's Breakfast and Tumblr time." Tyler yelled from the kitchen. Immediately I rushed in, excited to get back into our old schedule.

The awkward silences never came. Every moment together was cherished like it could be our last, which was the truth. I never wanted to leave him. And I hope he felt the same way about me.

We were best friends once again, just this time we weren't afraid to share our feelings. He knew that I loved him, and I knew the same. Tyler never got enough of saying it.

When we wake up in the morning- "I love you." When I smile at him- " I love you Troye." When we are saying goodbye or goodnight - " I love you so much Troye Sivan." But I loved it so much. To be reminded of his feelings toward me, provides me with extreme happiness.

Laughing was different in a better way. It felt more sincere and less pushed. Even though laughing before was a always, it just seemed less of me trying to get Tyler to like me, and more of just sincerely having a good time.

After breakfast and tumblr time, we sat on the couch catching up on our friends videos.

Zoe and Alfie were getting turned to wax figures, Casper and Joe were in the new SpongeBob Movie and Grace has had her show for awhile. It was a huge impact in the Team Internet community.

The song I made with Zedd, Papercut was released and the fans seem to enjoy it. It was my honor to be apart of their album. Now just time to release mine. Soon I suppose. (Stg if he says soon one more time..)

"Let's go on a date tonight." I said staring at him with hopeful eyes.

" What if the fans see?" He asked setting the mood down a bit.

Oh yeah the fans. I didn't really want to share our relationship like we used to. Especially considering now there is one. Things just get to out of control with them.

Hanging out together was just exhausting in public. Even though I wanted nothing more then to hold Tyler's hand or even in my old case, Connors.. I had to make sure I didn't show anything leading to the thoughts of a romantic relationship. At least not while the shipping wars are still strong. I'm the iceberg to this Titanic.

" They don't have to know about it." I tried already knowing his reply.

" Troye, we both know that they are incredible detectives. Every time we tried that, they figured out. And you didn't do a very good job of hiding it with Connor if that's what you tried to do."

I rolled my eyes before replying.. "Yeah I know. Just fuck it. We will go somewhere sorta secret."

He nodded and I knew he was doubting my expertise. Maybe I was bad at hiding it before but not anymore. I'm not gonna take the chances with Tyler.


I took him to a sushi place, where there was a upstairs that no one really knew about. I had a plan to trick my fans into thinking I was just having a nice night alone.

I posted pictures on Twitter pretending to be on a date with my fans, But secretly Tyler was here, guiding me on this adventure.

" Your such a weirdo, you know that." Tyler laughed at the picture I took. His smile was the one I enjoyed so much. Everything about it, made my heart flutter. I promised myself, I would give everything I had to try my hardest to see it every chance I got.

" I'm your weirdo." I said aloud.

Our eyes connected and he grabbed my hand under the table. His thumb ran over mine and warmed up my hand.

" I love you so much Troye. Please know that."

" I love you with everything I have Tilly."

Suddenly a scream filled the room and my head whipped to the door way. There was standing, a teenage girl, about 15 years old with her mouth dropped open. I suddenly remember that Tyler's and my hand were intertwined.

" Hello. How are you?" Tyler asked breaking the silence.

Tears were dripping down her face and Tyler got up to hug her. His father instincts kicking through.

I truly wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Starting a family and having a dog. It sounded like my biggest dream.

After she explained how much she loved us and hooked us up with her @. She had to ask the question I was dreading so much.

" Is Troyler Real?" She squealed. I already knew she was a Troyler shipper by her @.

" Uhh.." I was afraid that if we told her, she would go post about it making everyone freak out. A lot of people did that with Connor and I, and this time I wanted it to be different.

" Don't worry, I won't tell a soul. It's your secret not the fandoms." She explained.

Tyler grabbed my hand and gave me a smile before answering.

" It's Real."

Authors Note: Heyyy everybody. I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I didn't really know where to take this story considering it's very hard to try and coordinate it with things that are happening in both Tyler and Troyes life. It's not accurate like i said before. I'm just going by what could be. I hope you guys like it.

Also I have another story that I update everyday. It's called Color Me Blind and it's a AU about Color and Soul Mates. Of course Troyler so expect some cheesy things. Anyways thank you so much xx

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