6.) Fight or Flight

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Troyes POV

"Yeah what's wrong Troye?"

I was completely surprised that tyler wrote back. I never thought he was gonna reply so I didn't think through my plan. All I knew was I needed to talk to him now. I'm tired of feeling like crap. Friends or not I'm figuring this out right now.

" No, I need to talk to you in person."

And it was true I couldn't say what I needed to from my phone. He doesn't get to ignore me. Not any more.

" okay, if you want you can come over."

Even through the text I could tell he was skeptical about this. He didn't want me to come over. I knew him and this wasn't him. But that wasn't gonna stop me from finally getting to talk to him.

I replied on my way out the door " I'll be over in 15 min."


When I got to Tyler's apartment I was really scared to finally talk to him face to face for the first time since New Years. It's been almost 4 months. And I was nervous.

I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. After about what seemed like forever which was probably only a minute he opened the door and I almost lost it.

He looked so different. When his eyes met mine it wasn't calming and relaxing like it was before. I could actually see the hurt in his eyes when he looked at me. I could feel the tension between us and that was a feeling I wasn't familiar with. A feeling I never thought I would ever feel.

He smiled at me and opened his hand signaling for me to come in. But his smile wasn't the same either. It wasn't his smile. It was broken.

I came in a sat on the couch and he sat on the chair by his nightstand and lamp. Although we were right in front of each other I actually think it was the farthest we have ever been.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes. I stared at him and he starred at the wall avoiding my gaze.

But I needed this so I broke the silence.

"Tyler why aren't you looking at me."

His eyes came to mine and he frowned. " I am."

But I wasn't having any of it. " No your not. Your looking straight through me."

" Im sorry. Just distracted." he lied.

My blank glare clearly showed that i wasn't gonna deal with his dishonesty.

" You have been ignoring me and acting like i never existed Tyler." my eyes continued staring at his and i studied his emotionless expression. " Say anything!" i yelled.

" What do you want me to say Troye. Do you want me to pretend that it doesn't hurt to look at you. Because honestly I don't think that I'm as talented as you are at acting. And I apologize for that." He snapped.

Regardless of his tone I couldn't stop looking at the pain he showed.

I stared at him for the hundredth time before replying " I didn't realize that a little space was no communication at all. I would have never asked for that. Tyler you were my bestfriend and now it's like.." I paused.

"We're strangers." He finished.

" Yeah exactly. I never wanted to hurt you. But I also didn't want Connor to feel like he was second."

"Someone had to be and Troye its fine that you chose me. But please, I need to get over you."

He said getting up out of his seat. And walking into the kitchen. Wait what. Get over me? What the fuck does that mean.

Goodbye Troyler // EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now