Introduction: A New Partnership

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In a world full of deception you are left with a void and in some cases, that void may be filled with anger and hatred.

Mono  continued to sit waiting for the one whom he loved with a broken heart  and a corrupted soul. The once young and loving boy had turned into  something far worse as his age progressed. His devotion to "it" and the  signal tower had taken over his basic principles and morals. His once  innocent and loving personality had morphed into an evil one where his  powers were only used for bad purposes.

He was now the thin man.

Mono  sat in his chair while his lanky arms draped across the floor, he was  giving up on his life but before his thoughts could proceed into  anything else, the door opened to reveal a feminine figure.

Mono  felt his eyes squint a bit while he tried to figure out whom was  approaching him, he didn't move though until the face of a beautiful yet  all too familiar woman proceeded to face him.

"It's been a while," she spoke in an elegant yet sadistic manner.

"You,"  Mono growled looking at an older Six, who was no longer the young girl  who had betrayed him those ten years ago. Her hair had grown longer and  her feminine figure was quite visible through her yellow gown.

"I see you haven't been doing much either," she continued ignoring his deadly glare.

"You have some nerve coming here," Mono said through his gritted teeth.

"I suppose I do," she smiled which made him clench his bony hands.

"Why are you here?" he asked her while she paced herself.

"I came with a proposition," she spoke while looking at her nails.

"I'm not interested," Mono said quickly.

"Oh but I'm sure you will like to hear my idea," she begged sarcastically.

"Leave," he hissed.

"Not until you hear what I have to say," she smirked.

"What is it?" he finally sighed which Six grinned to.

"I came to ask you to marry me," she finally said.

"What?" Mono said mainly out of shock, after all these years and she wasn't even going to apologize.

"Marry  me Mono or should I refer you as the Thin Man now," Six said while Mono  felt himself stand up to face her, Six didn't flinch though instead she  looked at him with a cynical smile.

"Why should I marry someone such as you diabolical woman," he spat but Six only smiled at him.

"Oh  let's you still love me," she said a little too confidently  and Mono felt his sweat drip, as much as he hated to admit it, he did  love her. In fact, he loved her so much he waited in a damn chair ten  years for her return.

"And  two it would benefit the both of us, two powerful beings working  together to run this place," she said finally with a tone of lust.

"What  makes you think I'll agree to that after what you did to me?" he said  in a broken tone to which Six wrapped her arms around his neck before  pulling him in to kiss him. This sent shivers down his spine and for  once he felt vulnerable as he had back when he was that eleven-year-old  boy. Mono suddenly felt his hands hold her waist while he deepened the  kiss. Finally, the two broke apart with loving gazes on each end.

"I'm sorry Mono, I've missed you," Six said lowly which made him shiver.

"I've missed you too," he said before kissing her again.

This would be the start of a new compliance, a dangerous one.

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