Chapter 22: Resolutions

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I feel nothing yet I still slowly feel my eyes flutter open.

There is no pain and I definitely do not feel weak anymore.

I slowly look around and notice I am floating from the ground with Jack looking at me in horror.

I  feel slightly confused until I spot my body laying on the  ground...dead. I feel my stomach twist and turn into knots as I eye  myself. I look cold and pale with eyes that show that my life has  certainly been taken out of me. My body surprisingly does not look that  beaten with the exception of a burnt mark on both of my palms after I  disintegrated my gloves.

I look around the ghost boy is nowhere to be found, I'd killed him apparently which did not make me feel any better.

I feel like throwing up but I can't until I look up and see my mother looking at me with a saddened look on her face.

I feel like screaming but I don't until she slowly comes to me and places her hand on my shoulder.

Her touch feels warm and comforting although she is technically dead.

I feel as if I am crying but no tears spill from my eyes, I am barely a soul of what I was once in my physical body.

I suddenly feel her wrap her arms around me and I allow myself to fall into her embrace.

"It's okay," she replies slowly even though I know it's not.

She gently strokes my hair either way as I drown in my own frustration, there was so much happening at the same time.

"Mom," I whimper and I feel her hug me tighter.

"I'm so sorry," I add choking on my own words as she tries her best to comfort me.

"Don't  apologize, sweetie, it's okay just let it all out," she whispers softly  and I suddenly cling tightly onto her shoulders allowing myself to cry.

No tears come out yet either way I feel as I am crying waterfalls while I hug my mother.

I'd  call this ironic almost, hugging my technically "dead" mother after  dying because I had to fight off the real soul that was replaced by a  shadow I fell in love with.

That sums it up.

But it feels like it crushing my chest.

I let go of my mom and I notice Jack is looking at the two of us.

I dare not utter a word to him, I am still hurt by his actions even though he claims to love me as well.

It's as if I have been shot then healed with a band-aid that is still bleeding out.

I can imagine that would hurt a lot but at least I won't feel any physical pain even though the emotional pain is still hurting.

"June please," he begs while looking at my soul and I feel slightly confused for a second.

Jack can actually see me so that means that he must have been able to see my mother all this time.

Our private conversations.

Our private moments.

He has heard and seen them all.

That son of a-

"You must return to your body," he replies and I give him an angrier look.

"Leave me alone," I growl before floating away, how can he even have the audacity after what he's made me go through.

I hear him sigh before feeling a hand on my shoulder.

I feel my nerves tense when I am facing his true self, his dark figure is grabbing my shoulder tightly.

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