Chapter 26: Family Reunion

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We arrive at the manor when the sun is barely setting in the sky.

Thunder suddenly begins to erupt from the sky when I take Andrew's arm and walk towards the manor's entrance.

I had wished I'd never have to be here before but ironically I am.

I feel my hands and body begin to tremble as we walk towards the steps that lead to the main door.

"Relax dear, I'm here," Andrew whispers, and I flinch, that didn't make me feel any better.

Andrew is the one to ring the doorbell while we patiently wait for it to open.

We  are greeted by one of our butlers at the door, he seems surprised to  see the two of us so he scurries away probably to notify my father we  are here.

After a few seconds, my "mother" meets us both at the door before forwarding us in.

She looks just as radiant as she had before I left with a brown kimono in contrast to all the yellow she usually wears.

She also looks just as intimidating but then I recall that whatever is inside of her is not really my mother.

"Please take a seat while my husband arrives," she tells us sweetly and I suddenly get an urge to shove a brick down her throat.

That cynical and lying-

"Thank you," Andrew replies politely while dragging me to sit next to him.

"How was the voyage home June?" she suddenly asks me but I only give her a deadly glare.

"It was lovely," Andrew responds for me and she smiles.

"It wasn't too harsh? I heard there have been a few storms up north lately?" she asks but Andrew shakes his head.

"It was quite the peaceful voyage actually," he replies and she suddenly smiles again.

"I'm glad to hear that sire," she replies and I actually snort at this lame conversation.

Before they can continue their own small talk I feel a wave of static enter the room and suddenly I feel my body grow tenser.

He was here.

My father has entered the living room in a rush while a trail of static follows him.

"June?! Are you alright?!" he asks with worry before pulling me away from Andrew to examine me.

He cups my face while checking me from side to side.

"I'm fine," I reply slapping his hand away.

"Thank you sire for bringing her back," my mother suddenly interjects and Andrew flashes us all a smile.

"It  was my pleasure, I will let you be now you must have a lot to catch up  on, I will be back shortly for our wedding," he replies before leaving  me alone again.

"June what on Earth were you thinking about running away like that?!" he suddenly yells and I flinch.

"Don't  tell me what or what not to do," I mutter backing away from him, I  suddenly don't know if there is any of Mono left in my father.

I personally do not care.

"What  was that?" he asks surprised at my sudden change in tone, I notice my  "mother" has left probably doesn't want to be part of our dilemma.

"I'm  here aren't I? You already got what you wanted by selling me off to  that thing so what else do you want from me?!" I cry and he suddenly  flinches at my tone.

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