Chapter 21: Rail City Part 3 A Harsh Truth

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"June, c'mon wake up," I can distinguish Jack's voice lightly as I feel a few drops of water fall on top of my face.

"Please be okay," I hear his plea and I let out a groan.

My head feels like it is about to explode and my legs feel like they have been stabbed multiple times.

I slowly open my eyes even though they feel very heavy to meet with a worried-looking Jack, he looks pale and scared.

"Jack," I barely croak out, I feel parched.

"Thank goodness," he sighs and I try to stand up but there is a stinging pain all over my body.

"Don't you need to rest," he instructs, I suddenly fully open my eyes and notice we are not outside but inside a small room.

"Where are we?" I ask before Jack hands me a water bag to drink.

"My old home," he replies quietly but loud enough for me to hear him.

The  room looks old and dusted with a few posters of the Maw and Pale City,  no one has been living here in a long time so it seems.

"Is this your-"

"My  room yes...I couldn't bring myself to enter anywhere else," he replies  and I don't push him anymore as I try to drink some water.

My throat feels a lot better after drinking some water but I still feel pretty beaten to stand up.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and he suddenly gives me a sad smile.

"I should be the one asking you that," he replies and I frown.

"Besides feeling sore I'm fine," I reply and he gives me a short nod.

"Now tell me are you okay?" I ask again and he sighs.

"Yeah I'm fine," but I can tell he is lying.

"You sure?" I ask again and he nods.

"I have to be."

"We should sleep here for the night, I don't think it's too dangerous here but I'll keep watch."

I  give him a weak nod before feeling myself collapse again on the pillow,  it smells like dust but I don't mind as I try to regain my strength  again.

With that, I feel my body drift to sleep again.

I wake up to darkness and suddenly I fear I may be having another nightmare.

I look around and notice the silhouette of the posters and Jack's sleeping form on the floor.

I let out a sigh of relief when I know I am fully awake with Jack and my mother in the room who I can feel floating freely.

She seems occupied and probably relieved that I'm fine after such a terrifying experience.

I feel a little bit more strength in my body and curiosity well inside of me.

This was Jack's old home after all and I wanted to know what his old life used to be like.

I  slowly tiptoe out of Jack's old bed making sure I don't make a sound.  His bed is the size of a child so luckily for me, I'm shrunken and can  get off normally without having to jump.

I walk around the large corridor and doors that stretch across the small home, until out of nowhere my amulet begins to glow.

Oddly the journal does not go flying out but the necklace does glow dimly.

I suddenly walk forward and it seems to grow brighter with every step.

I take a step backward and it grows dim again and every step forward makes it grow stronger.

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