Chapter 6: New Feelings

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My heart is beating in a  good way as I follow my newfound friends into the depths of this new  world. Amber seems to be the most optimistic one and Valentina seems to  be very confident when she talks something I somewhat envy but I smile  all the way. Manny is very smart he was the one who created the fluid  that allowed me to shrink and Hunter is a flirt but he seems to mean  well. Jack as the others call him only looks at us from a distance while  crossing his arms.

I do not believe he likes me at all, if anything he hates me and I don't blame him, I hate myself to some extent as well.

They call this place the "free zone" and according to Valentina, it is the only place where the signal cannot get far.

"Then how can you go out for resources?" I ask her curiously.

"We wear these earpieces to cover our ears," she says showing me the small piece made out of rubber.

"I thought transmissions could only pull someone in if they saw it?" I feel confused, what have my parents been hiding?

"True,  but the first step to hook someone up in transmission is the sound the  transmission makes first, by avoiding the sound, you avoid it  altogether," she explains and I nod.

"How  does that boy, Jack was it? He heard me calling him," I ask them and  they look at the boy who is still looking at us intently.

"Jack  is the only one immune to it altogether, he is also the only one who  goes out during the daytime," Manny says pushing his goggles up to  reveal his gray eyes.

"We are not sure where he got his immunity, he is a pretty mysterious guy but he is very resourceful here," Amber explains.

"Let's  stop talking about that grump, the pretty lady here still needs to  complete the tour," Hunter says holding my arm gently and I feel my  cheeks become flushed before we resume with the tour of the free zone.

I learn that not only is this a refugee but also a place to learn self-defense and basic resourceful techniques.

Everyone here is specialized in a specific category and task.

Amber specializes in mechanical things while Valentina works with Manny on chemistry where they create special potions.

Hunter is trained in fighting and guards the free zone.

According  to Valentina, Jack is also specialized in combat but is used for  scavaging for resources and now I realize how he could have brought me  down so easily.

I feel a bit useless, everyone has an ability, and I simply know how to read books and look pretty.

It's pathetic and I frown for a split second but Amber is the first one to notice.

"Are you alright June?" she asks me fluttering her eyelashes and I smile.

"I'm fine," I lie but she doesn't buy it.

"I don't believe you, just tell me what's wrong," she tells me and I smile a bit more.

"It's  just that...this all feels like a dream and I'm afraid I'll wake up  from it," I explain but her smile does not leave her face.

"You must have a rough life," Valentina adds and I frown again.

"It's  not rough per's...difficult and sometimes...agonizing," I add  the last part with fear remembering that I am engaged to the most  horrible being to exist.

"We  can't understand what you are going through completely but if it helps,  you are welcome here anytime you want," Valentina tells me and I feel  myself wanting to cry again.

"Yeah! Honestly, you don't seem like that bad type of a gal," Manny chimes in.

"Plus we need more hot girls around," Hunter adds and gets a shove from Amber but I'm still blushing.

"We are your friends now," Amber adds and I feel my tears flowing down my face.

"Thank  you...I'm sorry I've never had any friends before but I'm happy I do  now," I say looking at them and even though I am crying I still feel  happy.

Maybe I would have a better future.

And best of all friends to share it with.

Hey  guys sorry for the short chapter I promise the next one will be much  longer! Just remember to like and share this story. You can also find me  on Instagram (autumwritesofficial) and Tik Tok (laartist0) love you  guys.

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