Chapter 18: Too Many Things At Once

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I feel flustered when Jack grabs my hand all of a sudden after what has happened.

He seems normal when I feel weird inside.

Maybe I misunderstood things, perhaps he is oblivious and I am the only crazy one here.

He is driving me insane though, I can't read him at all.

Does he like me back?

I am too afraid to ask him so I only keep quiet while these thoughts are internally killing me.

You should talk to him June, my mother suddenly jumps in and I feel myself frown.

I only nod a no and Jack gives me a confused glare.

"Are you okay?" he asks me and I smile trying to hide my embarrassment.

"I'm fine...are you okay?" I ask him earning his smile in return which makes my heart leap.

"I'm okay, I'll try not to think about it that much anymore," he tells me with a reassuring look.

"Honestly it felt much better...talking about with someone so thanks," he adds and I smile brightly.

"I'm glad I was able to help," I respond beaming, at least I was able to help him.

"If  it's not too much to ask, but how did you lose your locket?" I ask him  hoping he doesn't feel bothered but I've been feeling intrigued.

"Olivia  gave it to me when we reached The Barrens, we were scavaging for  supplies and landed at the hotel," he begins to explain though he seems  unfazed now.

"Those  same hands tried to get to us, we were lucky to escape but I dropped it  on the shelf...I still can't believe I found it," he says taking it out  all of a sudden.

Its silver color reflects lightly with the lamp's light.

It's simple but it has a lot of value to Jack when he clenches onto it lightly.

I still find myself wondering why it glowed red back at the hotel along with my locket.

I have a feeling that this isn't only about the blind eye but something deeper.

Something that ties Jack with it.

"Olivia  and I were always looking for a safe home...I guess I was the only  lucky one until now," he replies sadly and I give his hand a gentle  squeeze.

"We all make  mistakes Jack, yet we should learn to forgive ourselves sometimes," I  tell him and I feel him pull me closer to him while I follow him into an  open vent.

There is no need for crouching here so we both stand while walking through the dark atmosphere.

"Maybe but it's still hard," he replies and I frown.

"I'm here if you need me," I murmur into his ear and he suddenly stops to face me.

I can't see his features since it is dark, though, his silhouette tells me he is here.

"I  need you promise me you won't leave either?" he tells me and I  feel my cheeks flush before I feel my lips tug into a smile.

"I promise," I respond, and even though I can't see him I know he is smiling.

Jack turns on his flashlight shortly after, the vents are very dark and seem to have no end to them.

We walk for what seems days even though it's probably only been a few hours yet it feels annoying.

We were both tired and Jack was still bruised from the hotel.

After  what seemed to be forever we end up in a vent opening, it seems to be a  lounge so we both crawl out checking our surroundings carefully.

Little Nightmares June and the Blind EyeWhere stories live. Discover now