Chapter 20: Rail City Part 2

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My heart feels more at ease after Jack's approval.

Now that he knows I can put my powers to better advantage and perhaps protect the two of us instead of running so much.

His smile makes my heart flutter and him holding my hand makes my tummy feel funny in a good way.

Now I've come to realize it.

I can't deny it anymore.

Even though he may not feel the same towards me...I love him.

I love Jack.

And I will do anything to protect him.

We  continue to walk until we reach the outskirts of the city, mother had a  point when she said that there are train rails that cover all of them.

Every inch of the land has a crossing railroad that passes through the city and what I suppose to other cities as well.

There  are barely any buildings at this point with the exception of a few  cottages which seem abandoned but Jack keeps moving forward.

I trust his judgment so I keep close to him trying not to give in to temptation.

The last thing I want is to scare him off for something that isn't my power.

We've been walking for a few hours now and my body begins to feel a bit sore even though I try my best to ignore it.

I feel my legs weaken as if they are about to give out before my knees drop to the floor.

I see Jack usher to me quickly, he looks worried and my mother feels worried as well.

"June are you okay, you look roughed up, let's take a break," he tells me before supporting my body onto his shoulder.

I only let out a few weak breaths, I must still be pretty beaten after using my energy back with the ice cream truck.

"Here," Jack tells me handing me a water bag which I finish in a matter of seconds.

He then hands me a piece of bread and meat which I thankfully take before gobbling it down.

I must look like a pig, I feel my cheeks flush in embarrasment when I catch Jack staring.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" I ask him and he suddenly takes out some water and bread for himself as well.

He nibbles on it gracefully and I suddenly feel more embarrased.

I must have looked like an animal while I ate for sure.

When we are both done, we stand up again before continuing our journey with a little bit more strength.

I feel more at ease when after eating, a little bit stronger and Jack also looks more relieved after eating something as well.

We continue to walk for a few more minutes until we reach a dead-end, there is a large hanging cliff with no apparent end to it.

"It's a dead-end," I hear Jack mutter with frustration.

No rail bridges pass it and the other side of land seems too far to reach.

I hear Jack groan again.

"I  remember it being here," he mutters again and I frown, this trip had  been a bunch of loose ends but it'd given me all sorts of answers as  well.

I suddenly take out my journal eyeing the map once more but it only pinpoints to Rail City without any additional information.

What exactly was the point of this quest anyway?

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