Chapter 3: Unfolded Truths

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The house is always  quiet at night, but tonight it feels much quieter. I feel my toes  against the hard wooden floor while I try to quietly walk towards the  library. This is a risky mission but I am desperate for answers, so I  continue my journey.

I  breathe a sigh of relief upon arriving at the library and closing its  doors slowly behind me. I turn on the small lamp and take out the key  from my pocket before using it on the lock once more. I look at the  books in front of me there are only five but they seem to hold a lot of  information, so I grab the first one. It doesn't have a title, but its  cover is maroon in contrast to the other gray and brown covers. This  book is also written in handwriting and goes into specific detail about  that thing whom my parents adore and serve.

According  to this first journal, it was created by hate and a lust for power by a  group of people who wanted to end the world. Its power comes from  sucking the soul and emotion of others. Similar to the vague journal I  found it can also absorb flesh and make it it's own. I shuddered at that  part but continued to read, there were so many pictures of it until I  stopped one, he looked the exact same as he had in dinner today.  According to this journal, this thing is pure evil and its hunger will  never vanish. Once it starts it can't be stopped, only a group of  individuals were able to stop it in the past before it got out of hand. I  took out a quill pen and the journal I had found while jotting down  some information in the empty pages it had left.

Maybe this would come in handy.

After  reading the first book I did the same with the next three, they mainly  said the exact same information until I reached the last journal. It had  different handwriting from the others and it read as a diary rather  than a journal with information.

Day 1

She left me. No pity or remorse. She let me fall to my doom.

I looked at those words confused, who was "she"?

I  am writing this after days or maybe even years, I got some courage to  do so but I am still broken from the past. I don't think I'll ever be  able to get over this yet here I am. Let me start with the basics then,  my name is Mono although I don't know my last name. I am eleven years  old I think, I must be older now. The name of the one who I fell in love  with yet betrayed me is a little girl named Six. She is nine years old  or older, I'm not good with time.

I  continued to read, according to this journal, this "Mono" has been  living or lived in this system for a long time scavenging for resources  until he met a girl named Six whom he saved multiple times but, in the  end, betrayed him by letting him fall off a cliff. The journal ends  after page forty where whoever this is finished their story with a  drawing of that same boy with a paper bag and girl with a raincoat.

"Mono  and Six," I thought while taking out the similar drawing I had found in  that journal, they were the same kids. I felt curious so I jotted some  basic information according to this journal until I flipped to the end  of Mono's journal finding more handwriting.

There  is a way to defeat "it" which is holding me, prisoner, right now. A  prophecy of a warrior whose powers will be able to kill and destroy it  once and for all and bring peace to humankind. I am starting to feel  more corrupted every day so I must write this before I do. Find the  warrior and save the Earth.

I read the last sentences carefully.

Who was this warrior?

And apparently, had powers? Could it be related to the person I saw the other day?

I had so many questions but found myself returning all the journals as I had found them before locking them.

I  hid the key and journal in my gown with my newfound information before  making my way outside the library. I continued to walk until I was faced  with a feminine figure whose expressions were hidden by the dark.

"June, what are you doing out of bed?" mother's voice spoke. I felt my skin become pale and my throat becomes dry.

"I went to get a glass of water," I lied but I felt her get too close and I began to tremble.

"That's  quite alright, go back to bed and get some rest," she said before  walking past me. I felt relieved when she left but confused at her new  attitude perhaps, she is pleased with me after "it" liked me.

I still shudder at the thought.

I  go to bed finally and am able to get some sleep, after all, perhaps a  newfound hope has grown on me for the possibility of a better future.

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