Chapter 27: Our Fates Meet Again

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I fall asleep once my father leaves.

I don't know how, probably from exhaustion.

I've been crying a lot.

I fall asleep in my evening gown and do not even bother changing, what is the point?

I'm done for.

The world feels so unfair but it is the only one who can decide my fate and right now it is dying to protect everyone.

I  wake up to a hard knock on my door, there is no sun for I hoped would  for some miracle to show itself today, instead, there is thunder roaring  outside.

My "mother" storms in along with a few more maids who look petrified to be next to her.

She is already dressed in a brown gown with her hair let completely loose, she looks dangerously beautiful.

"It is time to get you ready," she replies seriously before the maids come in scurrying to help me off my bed.

They drag me to my bathing room before undressing me in a second and shoving me in the waters.

It feels uncomfortable when they scrub me with different sponges and rose-scented shampoo.

I feel like I am in a cauldron and I am being stuffed with potatoes and carrots to make sure the stew is perfect.

Once I am bathed I am dragged out of my bath and dried in a second before a new group of maids comes in with my wedding gown.

It  is not the same gown I had picked out with "mother" that other day,  instead this one is blood-red with a cherry red embroidery and gray  veil. I feel my mouth grow dry when the maids extend it on the sheet  spread of my bed.

"I will get her ready," my "mother" interjects before all the maids nod and scurry away.

I growl internally when she sits me on a chair and begins to tighten my corset.

I feel my air being sucked out of me at every pull she gives me as my waist becomes tighter and tighter.

Neither of us speaks to each other.

We hate each other, or at least I definitely hate her.

Once she is done tightening my corset, she pulls the gown up and signals me to put it on.

I don't utter a word when she helps me put on my bodice which has no chemise so it reveals my cleavage.

After that, she ties the cage around my waist before putting on the red fabric on top of it.

It takes us a good hour or so to do this until it fits perfectly and there is not a single wrinkle.

"What style would you like your hair to be?" she asks me but I shrug.

"Whatever  you think is best," I respond dryly before she begins brushing my hair  and ties it into the most elegant braided bun I have ever seen.

It feels tight and it might worsen my migraines but I don't complain until she begins to apply my makeup.

Dark eyeshadow and deadly mascara that may drown anyone who sinks in it.

A light red blush making my cheeks look warm despite my pale skin.

And finally, blood-red lipstick that can make anyone look sinful even if they are not.

Once she is done with that part she places the veil on my head which drags itself almost to the floor.

I take a good look at myself in the mirror, I don't look like myself at all.

"We must get you to the chapel now where your father will walk you to the altar," she responds and I frown.

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