Chapter 4

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I wake up to the same  static sound that morning but I feel refreshed from my sleep while I  slip out of my bed more comfortably. My maid comes in and I bathe  quickly before dressing in my regular red gown and tie my hair  fashionably. I actually feel good today and a part of me is hopeful as I  make my way downstairs but my happiness fades away when I see that  thing again in the dining room. Both my parents appear to be talking to  it while nodding and smiling. I suddenly feel the urge to run back  upstairs but I feel everyone's gaze fall on me.

"June, I am here for our stroll," it tells me and I begin to tremble.

"Don't be shy dear come over here," my mother tells me and I feel afraid as I approach it.

He  hands me a bouquet of gray flowers which I accept with a small smile  while he hands me his shoulder which I forcefully accept. I can feel his  wet skin despite he is wearing a suit and it grosses me out while I try  to hold my composure. I see my father give me a thumbs up and my mother  gives me an approving smile while I walk out of the manor holding by  this thing's arm.

I feel so uncomfortable.

We  walk around the streets full of static while people fall off buildings  and look at the broadcast. It's such a lovely day (note my sarcasm). He  clutches onto my hand tightly and I feel an urge to pull away but I  manage to continue walking. Here I am walking with the one who created  this mess and worst of all my parents actually support this. I am only  sixteen years old, I am not asking for a relationship...well maybe I am  but not like this. I feel like a princess stuck in a castle forced to be  with the evil rat king but in my story, there is no escape and no  prince either.

"So June do you like Pale City?" he asks me all of a sudden interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh...yes it is a lovely place," I lie but it smiles one of its wicked smiles.

"I agree," it tells me and we continue to walk around.

"You have beautiful eyes," it tells me while shifting his arm to hold my hand, and I flinch.

"Thank you, sire," I utter but he only lets out a small laugh.

"No  need to be so formal, although I can't tell you my name, in that case,  call me...mmm...let's me Andrew," it said with a smile which I  shuddered upon witnessing.

"Very well Andrew," I responded politely even though I felt the name didn't sit him I'd name him the "corruptor" instead.

We  didn't say much after that and ended our stroll shortly before arriving  home and I felt relieved when I didn't have to hold that thing's arm  any longer.  Both mother and father looked pleased until I saw father  pull Andrew to speak with him. While I remained alone with my mother  oddly she was the first one to speak.

"How was your stroll?" she asked me suddenly.

"It was nice I suppose," I respond and she smiles.

"I'm  glad to hear that, there is something I must tell you now, he will be  coming back with your father soon and no matter what you must answer  yes," she instructed me which I gave her a confused look.

"Yes to what?" I asked but before she could answer Andrew and my father were back and my father was smiling widely.

"June,  I've been speaking with your father and mother and I'd like us to be  wedded," it spoke and I felt my color drain, I was a pawn to my parent's  power. That is why my mother had acted nicely and my father had hugged  me, they wanted me to marry this thing. I felt my legs grow weak and I  felt as if I was about to faint.

I looked at my mother with terror in my eyes but she gave me a deadly glare, they were actually forcing me into this marriage.

For Pete's sake, I didn't even know this guy!

I  looked at my father with the same look I'd given my mother but he  ignored it. I felt an urge to cry so I dropped my head, I wanted to get  out of here, the room felt so suffocating.

"She  will wed you sire, there is no need to ask for approval," my father  suddenly spoke and I lifted my head to face him, this couldn't be  happening.

"I'd like  to hear it from her though," Andrew said and I lifted my head to see  him, his glare was deadly and cynical almost. There was no good in this  being only evil.

I looked at my father again but his glare told me what was expected from me.

"Yes," I said lowly.

"What was that pardon me," Andrew said and I felt my lips quiver.

"Yes, I will marry you," I said loudly this time.

"Very well then, I will return in a week in order to plan the wedding," he told us before taking his leave.

I felt my knees drop to the floor but there was no comfort, even though I could feel my parent's eyes on me.

"Get  up," my mother instructed me harshly but I remained on the floor while  tears spilled down the wooden tiles. This was a living nightmare I  wouldn't be able to wake up from, it was a living nightmare and only a  miracle would be able to pull me out of this one.

I  felt my mother's hands pull me up from the floor, her nails were sharp  and I could feel them pierce through my skin as she dragged me upwards  to my feet. This was the icing on the cake from their cruelty. Their  thirst for power had dragged me into this and worse of all I wasn't  powerful, I had no inherited power from neither of my parents so that  thing could do anything it pleased.

I  faced both my parents their gazes showed hatred towards me, I had made a  fool out of myself in front of the man they adored and served.

I felt myself shiver and tremble, my hands had a mind of their own as they shook lightly.

"I'll take my leave now," I said pulling away from my mother's grasp before running to my room as quickly as I could.

I felt myself drop onto my bed as I cried a river.

I didn't want to marry it.

I didn't want to be here in Pale City.

I wanted to run far away from here where no one would be able to find me.

I didn't want to be alone anymore.

I wanted friends.

I wanted my own prince.

I wanted my freedom.

I felt the journal under my mattress before pulling it out and skimming through the pages of notes I had taken.

Where was this warrior?

I needed him or her to take this thing down already before I'd marry it.

Then I remembered, the person I saw the other day, a normal being that had gone under the fence.

I had to find them, I needed answers and I believe that is where I will find them if not at least enough to beat Andrew.

Little Nightmares June and the Blind EyeWhere stories live. Discover now