Chapter 16: Fluff

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I wake up to darkness.

Literally, this is no nightmare.

I can feel Jack's body on top of mine though he is still sleeping.

It is nighttime from the looks of it, the stars are shining brightly through the window while the moon is their queen.

It looks so peaceful for a second until I remember what probably lies outside.

Jack  mutters a bit when he hugs me closer, I can tell he is dreaming and I  can't help but smile when his body wraps around mine tightly.

I would have preferred the kiss but this is still as good.

My mind wanders to what has happened today:

1) Andrew knows where I am

2) I blasted a woman in the face today and I still have no idea how I did that

3) My mother is apparently here with us too

and most importantly at least to me is that Jack...I don't exactly even know how I feel or what these feelings are.

They aren't bad...they actually make me feel nice but I don't know how to accept them.

My  heart begins to beat uncontrollably all of a sudden as Jack is still  stuck in his own dreamland unaware of what he is doing to me.

That looks uncomfortable

My mother's voice startles me, she isn't visible anymore but I can still feel her next to me.

"It's fine," I reply feeling Jack's weight on top of me.

So is this him?

I raise a brow.

"What do you mean?" I ask her more out of curiosity than anything.

That boy, Jack I believe is what you called him, do you love him?

Her words fluster me when I look at Jack's sleeping face which is only a few inches from mine.

"What makes you say that?" I ask her nervously and I can feel her smile.

The way you look at him tells me everything, it reminds me of my younger days when I met your father in that small storage room

"Oh Jack is just my friend mother," I reply shyly even though he is hugging me in plain sight.

Suddenly she starts to laugh and I am not sure what is so funny.

"What is so funny?" I ask her and she suddenly stops laughing but I can almost imagine her wiping off a tear.

It's  just that I...that is what I used to say back then, I was too  embarrassed to admit I had fallen for your father until...well I suppose  you know the rest of that story

There  is sadness in her voice and suddenly I shove Jack lightly to the side,  he is too tired so he doesn't complain just curls to his side.

I sit up, the room is so dark but it doesn't feel heavy.

"I don't know if you may have all the answers I may be seeking for father also gone?" I ask her my voice is trembling.

What if I had been living with these monsters all of my life?

A fake life.

A cruel one I've been forced to live in.

No June, your father isn't least his soul isn't, I'd call him heartbroken instead

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