Chapter 13: The Hotel

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The air feels heavy and the atmosphere is weighing on my shoulders I can barely stand in the hotel's lobby.

Jack seems unfazed by all of this though.

As if he has been here before and the unbreathable air is common for him.

I feel nervy.

This doesn't feel quite right and I want to get out of here.

Jack doesn't speak, as he glares at the hotel lobby.

It looks old and worn and smells of books mixed with dust surprisingly.

The victorian style is more present in its interior as well.

There  is an old chandelier hanging barely on the edge of falling without  giving off any light. Jack suddenly flashes his flashlight and I am able  to see it more clearly.

Old-fashioned chairs and tables are scattered loosely and the reception desk only holds a single ringing bell.

A large staircase leads to the upper part of the hotel which is a void of darkness.

I  shudder while holding onto Jack's hand unconsciously. He doesn't seem  to mind when he laces his fingers around mine. This is becoming a habit  for us and I am not sure if I should label it as a good or bad one.

It makes me feel secure though, it makes me wonder how he feels about it.

The heavy feeling begins to increase but Jack won't budge.

"Jack, we need to go, something does not feel right," I mutter to him but he rolls his eye.

"You  are being too difficult, I promise you there is nothing here," he  replies clenching onto my hand but something feels deeply wrong about  this place.

Jack  gently pulls me with him as we begin ascending the staircase. I can feel  the void of darkness swallowing us at every step we take up, the only  light we can rely on is Jack's flashlight but it's not doing much at  this point.

There is still so much we can't see and I am afraid I will be eaten alive if I am not careful enough.

Jack pulls me closely behind me, he may seem unfazed but I can feel him slightly trembling.

What exactly was this place?

"Jack?" I question while we trudge through the marble floors.

"Yes?" he asks not looking back at me and I miss his gaze all of a sudden.

"Why  are we here?" I ask him and he suddenly stops before turning to look at  me. He looks uneasy all of a sudden and I raise a brow at him  questioningly.

He frowns but then exhales so much air and I feel more confused than before, was it troubling him so much?

"I  just want to check up on'll be quick I promise," is all  that he responds but it leaves me with more questions than before.

Now that I think about it, what I know about Jack is very vague.

Besides the small information I've learned from him and our small conversations, I really don't know anything about him.

I  feel his hand get a better grip on mine before continuing to walk while  pointing his flashlight towards the dark corridor once more.

My heart is still pounding but being with him makes me feel a little more at ease.

After  walking for a few minutes we stop in the silhouette of what appears to  be a door with a huge eye in the center. It reminds me of Andrew and  then I remember he is the reason I am here and why my life is so  miserable.

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