Chapter 8: Mixed Feelings

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Hey guys just wanted  to let you know that I will be adding some music to each chapter, it is  not necessary to the story but only a recommendation of what I listen to  while I write this. Also, remember to like and follow and to follow me  on Insta (autumwritesofficial) and Tik Tok (addyrivers) Enjoy!




The  voice is so faint I can barely hear it but somehow I feel drawn to it  while I wander in this void of darkness. I can't see a single light so  this voice is my only hope to finding an end to this infinite space. The  atmosphere is light and there are no inclinations of anything so I  continue to walk while the voice grows louder.

"June, over here," the  voice calls clearer this time and it feels oddly familiar until a flash  of light is visible and I run towards it in hopes to an end of this  darkness. It is until I see who is calling me and Jack whom I had seen  earlier is standing before me. He has the same serious expression and I  look at him confused.

"I  told you not to follow me what are you doing here?" I ask him instead  he doesn't respond but begins to smile. His smile is sinister and I feel  myself backing away all of a sudden until he begins laughing maniacally  and I feel an urge to run but I stay still. All of a sudden his face  begins to shift and his skin begins to melt off like a candle's wax when  it is lit and I feel terrified at the sight before me. His cape falls  off and his face melts away to reveal Andrew who is the one now laughing  sinisterly.

"No..." I let out and Andrew stops laughing but his smile does not leave him.

"It  is over June, you will be my wife and soon all of this will be my  empire!" he tells me while swiftly grabbing my waist in a second before  kissing me harshly and I feel like throwing up. I try to push him but he  is too strong and I feel dizzy...I want this to end...


My  eyes flutter open and my body sits up while I take a look at my  surroundings. I am panting and sweating but I am inside my room, this  had only been a nightmare and I sigh in relief.

"Lady  June are you awake," my maid calls, and then I look down at myself, I  was still covered in dried blood and had my clothes on and I feel a  panic rising in me. I look at my door which is no longer morphed,  perhaps my father had done this to get me my bath and meals.

"Just  a second!" I yell before jumping off my covers and trying to decide  what to do. Before running to the door and slightly opening it, she was  there waiting with the bucket of hot water. I couldn't let her come in  she'd notify father if she saw me like this and I wouldn't be good at  giving explanations.

"I'm feeling a bit odd today, I'll do my own bath," I say in a fake sick voice.

"Are you alright m'lady should I get your father?" she asks and I feel my nerves tense.

"No! I mean...I'd just prefer if I do my bath today," I tell her praying she doesn't call my father.

"Very  well my lady," she finally tells me leaving the bucket at my door and I  sigh in relief until I hear her murmur "teenagers" and I sigh again.

I  grab the bucket before bringing it inside my room and filling my tub  quickly. I scrub off all the dried blood off my skin while trying to  remove that sewer smell off my skin. The memory wont fade away though,  the impulse of killing another being still torments me. Seeing its dead  body still haunts me slightly while I rub off all the filth of my hair.

Once  I am done with my bath, I call my maid with a ring of my bell and she  comes almost immideately. I give her my hoodie and black shorts to wash  along with those fingerless gloves. She gives me a questioning look but  doesn't ask anything as she takes them. I wear a simple dress that  reaches up to my knees and I tie my hair in case mother decides to come  inside.

Little Nightmares June and the Blind EyeWhere stories live. Discover now