Chapter 1: June

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I woke up to the sound  of television screens from outside the manor, they were usually very  loud and they also let me know that my father was on his whereabouts. I  looked around my room, it was gray as always with a singular portrait of  my family. I felt myself drag my body out of bed unconsciously, my hair  felt very tangled from just touching it with one of my hands.

I felt tired.

But  who could blame me, I mean no one really sleeps here, it's always full  of nightmares, and even though I've been here all my life I've never  gotten used to them.



"Lady June are you awake?" a voice spoke through the other side of my bedroom door.

"Yes,"  I answered groggily while my head hurt from all this insomnia. My maid  quickly came inside with a bucket full of hot water, she was young, yet  her deformed face was masked with a mask made of skin and cloth scraps.

"I'll  have your bath ready in a moment," she said before scurrying into the  restroom. I felt bad for her, only those who worked here were free from  the broadcast's transmission, but the rest weren't so lucky and served  as fuel for the radio tower.

After  a few minutes, she came in again and forwarded me into the bathroom  where my tub laid already ready for me to bathe. I thanked her before  removing my sleeping gown and submerging myself into the warm waters  allowing any dirt or rubbish to come off. I made sure that I was  spotless while I rubbed lavender-scented shampoo onto my hair, not that  it'd make a difference, it always smelled bad outside.

I looked at my clock while I pulled on my red gown and did my hair.

I was late and I knew I could get an earful if I didn't hurry.

I sighed while looking at myself in the mirror and heading downstairs hoping mother wouldn't be in such a foul mood.

Mother  was already waiting for me in the dining table, her fingers were  drumming against the hard surface impatiently. She didn't smile nor  frown with my presence, she only looked at me with that same stale look  she always wore.

"You are late," she said finally breaking the silence we wore between ourselves.

"Forgive me, mother," I said bowing to her hoping I hadn't caught her in a bad mood.

"Sit," she commanded, and I sat down in my regular spot trying to avoid any eye contact.

"Will father be joining us?" I finally asked.

"No, your father is busy," she said bluntly before our servers came in with our food trays.

Sausages,  meat, and some bread, frankly we always ate the same thing but I didn't  complain so I just ate in silence. My mother did the same, we rarely  talk at this point, most of my conversations are with my father though  he is rarely home so most of my time is spent alone.

After  we are both done with our meals, I am excused and get to go wherever I  please before my studying session. I find myself going to the library,  it's decently large and there are books on so many things, but I find  novels to be the most interesting. My favorite are those fairy tales  where the princess is rescued by her knight in shining armor and they  get married and live happily ever after. There are gardens full of  flowers and trees in the pictures and I usually find myself wondering if  such a place exists.

I  arrive at the library which is left neat and organized despite its dull  nature. The books are all arranged in alphabetical order and category  and I immediately go to the fairy tale section. I've read them all but I  constantly read them again where such stories can take me somewhere  else that is not Pale City.

Little Nightmares June and the Blind EyeWhere stories live. Discover now