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Five years have passed  since June defeated Andrew and ended his system bringing peace into the  world again. So much has happened in between those five years though,  for example, Mono and Six had their official wedding since Mono had been  technically married to a shadow. It had been a delightful event and all  the attendees were human since everyone had broken away from the  transmission. Bitty found his friends once they had all turned into  human children once more and all were finally free from the Maw (which  turned into a cruise line now run by Bitty himself).

June  met Leslie again, the maid that had helped her five years ago with  Andrew and they had been in contact ever since. For one, everyone was  also free to do as they pleased and live life away from the transmission  since. Businesses began to grow and an economy formed along with a more  formal government ran by Mono and Six but without the crazy thirst for  power.

The world was now filled with vegetation and life as June had once seen in her fairy tales except this was real.

The world had beaten the bad and now worked on being the greater good.

Yet today was a very special day.

Twenty-one-year-old June stood impatiently as different maids and friends put on her makeup and dress.

"I'm so nervous," June stated while biting into her nails hard.

"You'll be fine," Leslie reassured her with a smile.

"Today is your day honey," Six told her daughter softly but June couldn't get that queasy feeling off her stomach.

Today was super important, probably the most important day she would have to face in her life.

"Hold still," her mother said applying the last bit of her makeup.

"I gotta say you look pretty good right now," Leslie said looking at her friend with an approving look.

"Do you think so?" she asked the two of them but they only gave her a "really" stare.

"Yes  you do now come on we have to be there in five minutes," Leslie ushered  before dragging June to the door that led to the altar.

Her father was already waiting for her there with a warm and sad smile.

"You look so beautiful," he told her with a warm smile.

June only hugged her father tightly, she loved him so much.

"Thank you, daddy," she said trying not to cry, it would smudge her makeup.

"My baby girl is all grown up, look at me a grown man crying," he said in between a few tears.

"I  won't leave you and mom, I promised the two of you that," she replied  with a reassuring smile even if she was on the brink of tears too.

"I know June but you better give us some grandchildren," Six interjected leaving June with a faint blush.

"Mom..."  June shushed her but she only laughed a bit.

Once  the music started Mono extended his hand to his daughter which she  happily took while holding onto her bouquet of fresh, red, and living  roses.

"Ready?" he asked his daughter which June nervously nodded to.

The doors opened to reveal a chapel full of people and Jack who was at the end looking at her in awe.

In  came June slowly with her long strapless white gown and loose hair tied  with her veil. Her eyes were tainted with red eyeshadow as well as her  blushing rosy cheeks. Her lips were cherry red and the only dark thing  was her mascara and eyeliner. She looked vibrant as she walked toward  Jack who had proposed to her a year ago and now she was getting married  to him.

Her heart was  practically bouncing around her ribcage happily as she met Jack's pale  blue eyes. Once he came back to June, he had been given a true soul, he  was no longer a shadow but a person just like everyone else. He also  looked dashing in his maroon suit with a small rose on his chest pocket.  His hair had been neatly done to the back with gel (as Mono had  suggested) but he couldn't get his eyes off his future wife.

Valentina and Amber looked at the scene in awe as they followed June as her bridesmaids.

Manny and Hunter also looked at the scene in front of them with excitement as Jack's groomsmen.

Nana (who is still alive after all of this) also looked at the couple happily, her prophecy had finally been completed.

Everything had been set up perfectly as the fairy tale scene played out in front of everyone.

Once  upon the altar, June faced Jack with a warm smile full of love while  Jack couldn't close his mouth while looking at his beloved.

The priest's words were faint and barely audible as she looked at Jack, her lover and now future husband.

Five years ago, she had almost married a monster but now she was going to marry the man she loved with all of her heart.

"Please share your vows," the priest finally said snapping both Jack and June from their trance.

"June  since the day I met you, I've always been attracted to you, at first I  really didn't know it but now I do. June you are the woman I love the  most and there is not a day I can't live without you, I need you and I  want us to become one. I promise to love you for the rest of my days  with all of my heart," he tells her with so much love in his voice.

"Now you," the priest tells June but she is too in shock to say anything, that had been so beautiful.

The priest finally clears his throat making June swallow hard before looking at Jack.

"Jack,  back then I also didn't know how far we would come now but I love you  so much. I...I don't think there is also a day I can live without you  being a part of me. I love you so much Jack and I want to be with you  for the rest of my days on this Earth. I want to be with you," she  replies holding in her tears with so much effort.

"Now do you Jack take June as your wife?" the priests asks him.

"I do," Jack replies without a hint of hesitation.

"Do you June take Jack as your husband?" he asks June and she smiles.

"I do," she replies without a hint of hesitation either.

"Very  well then you may kiss the bride," he finally says but he doesn't need  to ask twice as the new couple kisses passionately at the start of a new  chapter in their life.

A loud clatter of claps was heard across the room along with a sobbing Mono in the back being consoled by his wife.

"I love you, June," Jack whispered into her ear softly.

" I love you, Jack," June whispered back.

And they did love each other very much after that.

In a new world with new beginnings, nothing would separate them again.

Little Nightmares June and the Blind EyeWhere stories live. Discover now