Chapter 10: The Boat

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We don't speak to each other after that, instead, we just eat our own separate piece of bread.

I smile at Jack, perhaps we shouldn't be enemies in all of this, maybe we can be friends after all.

We only had each other now, we'd both lost so much and now we needed to fight to get it back.

I  suddenly feel my eyelids grow heavy, it has been a stressful day to say  nonetheless and my body feels like giving into slumber once more. I try  to stay awake but my body feels so fragile and then I look at Jack  again and he gives me a nod telling me I can rest.

I  feel terrible though, how can I do such a thing? This is not a safe  place but Jack gives me a reassuring look so I allow my body to give in.

Visions of Andrew flash in between my dreams.

They are lucid yet horrible.

I can feel his hands traveling up my bare legs as I try to push him off but nothing works.

'This is just a dream, wake up, wake up!' I think while trying to control this nightmare but nothing works they seem to be getting stronger and surreal.

I yell and kick him but he only laughs at me as he begins to tear off my hoodie.

I am horrified and this feels too real to be a dream now.

"Get off," I yell at him but he only laughs like a mad man.

"Oh a good girl now," his voice slurs into my ears and I feel myself weaken.

I want to die at this moment.

I want to end my suffering.

"June!  June wake up!" Jack's voice is the only thing that allows me to wake up  in a flash. I can feel tears dripping out of my eyes and I am sweating a  storm, it's really gross.

"June are you alright?" he asks me with some worry.

"Huh? What happened?" I ask looking around, we were still on the boat.

"You were having a nightmare, are you alright?" he asks me putting a hand over my shoulder.

"I...I'm  fine did I say anything?" I lie and I see him frown, was I going to  live with this all of my life, did traumas ever go away?

I could only pray they did.

"You were yelling, I don't think anyone heard us though," he responds looking at me with the same amount of worry.

"I'm fine now though," I respond but he doesn't buy it, I must be terrible at lying.

"June  what did he do to you to make you have such nightmares?" he asks me and  I flinch at his question, I didn't really want to talk about it, it was  too...horrible...horrendous...I don't know what words can describe it  at this point.

"I don't want to talk about it," I plead but Jack's frown does not leave him at all.

"You'll  feel better if you do...last night you said that he did as he  pleased...did he do something bad to you...did he..." Jack's face goes  from concern to horror and I feel embarrassed. His face told me he knew  everything even though I didn't utter a word about it.

"NO!  It didn't go that far but..." I felt my eyes welling up again, the  memory of Andrew came back and I felt my breath quickening. I can still  feel him touching me and I want it to end, I want it to end so badly.

I suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around my body.

They feel so warm and comforting while the boy who I thought hated me is hugging me.

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