Chapter 14: A Ballroom and Answers

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I can feel her smile even though she is invisible.

Surprisingly  the air does not feel as heavy anymore but I do get a huge sense of  deja vu as if I'd lived this somewhere else even though I can't place my  finger on it.

You must go through the upper vents I will guide you

Her response does not make me feel any better but I look for anything that may help me reach the vents.

They are too high up on the roof and I growl in annoyance while looking for something that may help me up.

There isn't really anything.

Over there

I look around and see a small yarn piece, it could work as a rope but I still needed something heavy to launch it.

I continue to look and spot a small pebble, it's not that big but it could create a sense of support.

I quickly tie the two together and launch it towards the vent.


It worked and I smile at my success before checking its support which is also perfect.

I slowly climb my rope ladder and I can feel her right next to me while I make my way up.

After a few seconds, I find myself inside, it's chilly so I tug my hoodie over my head a bit.

Go forward

I  follow her guide and begin crawling through the narrow and mucky vents.  It's gross to say nonetheless but I don't complain and continue to  crawl while I feel my knees get full of this stuff.

My  heart is pounding while I feel whoever this is crawling right next to  me. Her presence is not disturbing but I don't trust anyone at the  moment. I am only doing this for Jack's sake, he needs me and honestly, I  need him too.

What is this boy doing to me?

I continue to crawl on my knees, the vents feel uneasy as if they can collapse any moment.

I hold my breath for a split second praying that I make it to the other side safely.

The vents creak at my every movement and I'm also hoping no one or anything hears me.

Almost there

Her voice is soothing and I almost trust her but I shake the thought off while putting all of my focus on this mission.

I can feel I am almost there but my hopes are crushed all of a sudden when the vent falls open.


I can feel my body falling at a full speed while my vision fills with black spots.

I must be falling from a great height.


Her screams echo through my ears as I feel my body grow limp while it is still falling.

I don't want to die even though that is what is what is probably going to happen unless there is a miracle.

My mind oddly goes to Jack as this is happening.

I can suddenly feel his skin under my touch and I end up missing him more than ever.

I'm sorry Jack.

I really wanted to save you.

Because the truth is that I am falling in-

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel my body land on a soft surface, it feels comfy almost like a bed.

I slightly open my eyes, perhaps I was dead already.

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